Page 30 of Pretty Baby

“No idea baby but that is absolutely something I can help with.”


“Good boy, now start grabbing the dishes and carry them into the kitchen.”

Grant walked ahead of him although he did pick up his plate and wine glass. In the kitchen, Caleb glanced around trying to figure out what to do first.

“Set the dishes with the food on the island and the plates and glasses next to the sink.” Grant demonstrated by setting his own down.

“Okay.” If Grant gave him orders he could easily follow those. He relaxed as he went back to collect the rest of the dishes. By the time he had everything moved into the kitchen Grant was sitting on the island with lily on his lap. The other fur babies were laying around the stool he sat in. Even Gus had joined them and was batting at Grant’s boot laces.

“That’s everything, Daddy,” he said proudly.

Grab a washcloth and run it under warm water.

Caleb turned around and looked around frantically.

“It’s okay boy,” Grant called to him. “You looked through the cabinets and drawers today when searching for dishes I bet.”

Caleb bobbed his head.

“Do you remember seeing washcloths or kitchen towels.”

“Third drawer,” Caleb remembered.

“Good boy.”

He crossed the kitchen and opened the correct drawer. Then he followed Grant’s direction. “Now go wipe down the table we just ate on. But I don’t want you to just wipe down where we sat. It’s good practice to wipe the entire length down.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

Caleb rushed to complete his task. He was surprised that Grant didn’t follow him. But it felt good knowing his Daddy trusted him to do a good job. Once back in the kitchen Caleb nodded to show he was done.

“Good boy.”

Caleb preened.

“I bet you also found some Tupperware or glass containers to hold leftover food.”

That he knew. They were right next to the cabinet with the plates. He opened the cabinet to show Grant.

Grant peered over then waved his hand. “Grab three glass containers with red lids from the second shelf. You’re going to transfer the leftover dinner into those.”

“I got this,” Caleb stated proudly. He went about putting the food up and in the fridge. Grant watching and smiling. “What about the bread?”

“Ziplock baggies?”

Caleb shrugged.

“Try the pantry,” Grant suggested.

His Daddy was smart. That was exactly where they were. An unopened box.

“Now throw all the trash away from earlier when you’d taken them from their containers.”

Caleb did so. “Do I have to take out the trash?”

“No boy,” Grant told him. “It’s dark and I don’t want you looking for the dumpster. I think that’s a Daddy’s job anyway.”