Page 22 of Baby Boy

Avery shook his head. He didn’t want Jace to leave him. Being embarrassed by being undressed was worth having Jace there with him.

“All right.” Jace laid his outfit beside on the bed before he picked up Avery’s left foot. Jace removed his shoe and sock then did the same to his right foot. “Stand up for me.”

Avery slid off the bed. He raised the giraffe to cover his eyes.

Jace’s fingers quickly undid his belt before he began working on his jeans. Avery shifted on his feet as the zipper went down.

“It’s okay,” Jace murmured. “I’m just going to pull your jeans off so we can get you more comfortable. You don’t want that denim to be in the way while you’re playing later.” He spoke as he worked the jeans down Avery’s legs.

Avery was glad he’d chosen to wear a newish pair of briefs that day. He hadn’t planned on letting Jace see them but now he was glad he’d picked one of his best pairs.

“Lower the stuffie?” Jace requested.


Jace gently took the giraffe from him and laid it on the bed. “Arms up.”

Avery lifted his hands above his head.

“One of the names for a cherished stuff animal is stuffie,” Jace explained as he pulled Avery’s T-shirt over his head. “A lot of littles call them that.”

“Stuffie,” Avery repeated. The house was warm so he didn’t feel the same cold as he’d experienced outside the shop, but it was strange standing in front of Jace with only his underwear on.

Jace picked up the pajama pants and held them out for Avery. “At least until you name them,” Jace said. “I get the feeling that you’re one little boy who will be naming every stuffed animal you have.” He finished pulling up Avery’s pants.

“If they’re my stuffies, they deserve names,” he agreed. It didn’t sound too weird to call the stuffed animals by the nickname. It was sort of like his lily.

Jace grabbed his new T-shirt. He had it on Avery and was smoothing it over Avery’s chest quickly. “There you go,” Jace said. “You look perfect.”

Avery grinned. He felt good. Jace had been right. By allowing Jace to pick his clothes and dress him Avery felt much more relaxed and ready to explore his little side. The cotton was soft and the fit was just right. Avery liked knowing that Jace had picked out something for him just because he cared.

“How about that dinner?” Jace asked as he held out his hand.

“Can I bring Jared?” Avery asked shyly as he slipped his palm against Jace’s.


Avery pointed to his new giraffe with his free hand. The little one. He liked the little one.

“Sure, but why Jared?”

“Because he looks like a Jared,” Avery responded, with a shrug.

“All right then,” Jace stated. “Grab Jared.”

Avery picked up his new stuffie and held him tight as he followed behind Jace. He was glad Jace didn’t let him go, though.

He got a quick look into Jace’s room, but they were moving too fast for him to get a really good view. It didn’t matter, though. He doubted that Jace’s room was half as great as his. His room. He had a space just for him in Jace’s house.

Feeling emotional again, Avery rubbed Jared over his eyes. He might be getting into little mode but that didn’t mean he needed to act like a baby.

“Here we go.” The kitchen light had been left on and the room smelt wonderful.

“Yum.” He smacked his lips.

Jace chuckled. “I hope it tastes as good as it smells.”

“Me too,” Avery agreed happily. He didn’t care what the food tasted like although he couldn’t see Jace making anything that was bad.