Even worse was the fact that she’d interrupted what Gustav was saying when she, known as Glo and named Gloria Angelica Brown by her momma, didnotinterrupt anyone, ever.

Well, she didn't interrupt anyone but Hill, aka Hilly, aka Hillary, her fastidious and sometimes facetious Familiar. Still, things were going from bad to worse at a high rate of speed while Glo was sadly lacking in caffeine, was sleep deprived, and was totally unprepared to handle even the smallest crisis.

It wasn't an excuse. It was a fact–an irrefutable fact that was gnawing away at Glo like ants chowing down on the icing of one of her Auntie Eleanor's famous Texas Sheet Cakes during the Annual Brown Family Coven Reunion Get Together and Gathering Picnic. She not only had no idea what in the Sam Hill was going on, but she didn't know where it was coming from or how to stop it because, and here was the rub, she didn't know what the Sam Hill was happening.

To make matters worse, the 'phone' in her head was ringing, binging, and ting-a-linging off the hook with each and every 'call' markedURGENTin glowing and flashing big red letters. It was quite literally driving her battier than she already was, and that was saying something at that time of year. Glo's morning had become an eleven-cauldron fire, with the flames getting hotter by the second, and she didn't have a clue where her Magical fire extinguisher was.

Gustav would just have to understand her impertinence. Right? Well, she was hoping and praying that was the case. After all, he’d always been an incredibly understanding soul.

If he didn’t understand and/or forgive her for interrupting, and if they both survived the Holidays, she would simply smooth over any hurt feelings that might remain by sending him a basket of his favorite candy with a big red bow and a handwritten card with an apology. She would order it from Sadie Sue’s Sweet Shoppe, the best candy store on the planet, and it would be enormous.

It would be so dadgum big that it would barely fit through the door of his tiny, well-appointed, cute-as-a-button cottage at the entrance of the lush and lavish landscaped acreage known as Gustav's Glorious Greenhouse and Greenery. It would not only make up for her rudeness but show Gustav how much she valued his hard work and friendship.

But first, she had to calm the poor Elf, get him off her mental phone, and find out who else needed her immediate attention. There hadn’t been an eleven-cauldron emergency in three centuries, and she wasn’t about to have one on her watch and in her very own living room.

“I promise I’m on it, Gustav. I would never leave you hangin’. You’re the fifth…”

"Make that sixth," Hillary corrected from her position atop the antique, cherrywood bookcase housing some of the oldest Grimoires and Tomes of the most ancient Brown Witches, as well as her favorite romance novels.

Blessed–or cursed, depending on the day–Gloria Angelica Brown, the Brown Witch of Peace, Protection, and Eternal Love, had been decreed by the Great Goddess of All to share part of her soul with none other than Hillary K. Hippo. From that fateful day so very long ago to the present, they were known as Brown Witch and Familiar to everyone in the Supernatural, Preternatural, and Magical World.

As such, a few things were very important to note:

(1) Gloria Angelica Brown would only answer to Glo. At the ripe young age of four, it was the nickname given to her by her favorite cousin, the one and only Molly Brown-Archer. It stuck. She'd loved it, wholeheartedly embraced it, and endorsed it with all the gusto of a very happy four-year-old. The rest was pretty much history. Well, there was an exception to the rule–as there usually was. Three incredibly special Beings in all the universe were allowed to call Glo by her government name, Gloria Angelica. They were as follows: Molly Brown-Archer, Glo's momma, and the Great Goddess Herself.

(2) As mentioned before, Glo was the Brown Witch of Peace, Protection, and Eternal Love. On the day of her birth, the Great Goddess Of All appeared, kissed her forehead, and said, "You, Gloria Angelica Brown, like all the Brown Witches before you, the ones living and the ones looking down from the Heavens, have a very special and important Calling known as your One True Gift. You, Little One, will be the Brown Witch of Peace, Protection, and Eternal Love, and as such, you will have a very important job. As we all know, on December twenty-third of every year, people all over the world celebrate the Feast of Potentials, or as the Ancient Druids called it, the Day of Creation."

“On this very special occasion, a Holiest of Holy Days, we give thanks for the precious little flowering plant known as Mistletoe. As Old Man Winter’s equivalent of the Mighty Oak Tree, this little white blossom with its oval, evergreen leaves reminds us that even in the harshest of weather, there is Peace. When it seeks refuge in the ever-present Fir Tree, we must remember to Protect those we hold dear. Most importantly, when standing under the Mistletoe with the one made for you by the Universe, the one person in all the world who completes you as no other, you are not to squander the opportunity. You are to hold them tight, kiss them with all the love in your heart, andpromise that through good times and bad times, you will always be there for them because, Gloria, that is what Eternal Love is."

(3) Lastly, and quite probably the most important thing of all, Gloria Angelica Brown knew who her Mate was. She knew who the Universe had made for her and, likewise, who she completed as no other. They met when they were children. They became best friends in kindergarten. They had learned to ride bikes on the cracked sidewalks behind Brown Manor on the other side of the Swamp in none other than Nowhere, USA. And most of all, the one and only Christopher Alexander Archer was the first boy–the only boy–she'd ever kissed under the Mistletoe. Sadly, Chris and his brothers were gone before she could tell him how much he meant to her. Not dead. Just gone.


Disappeared in the middle of the night.

Gone. Gone. Gone.

Then, as Fate and The Powers That Be would have it, the Archer Brothers returned. Unfortunately, Glo had not gotten back in touch with Chris, but then again, he hadn’t come knocking on her door either.

Hillary, the aforementioned Familiar, had a few theories on the subject that Glo refused to entertain. It was nothing new. Hill thought she was right, and Glo knew she was wrong. They agreed to disagree or, in truth, stomped off in opposite directions until the next time the subject of the Witch's Mate reared its contrary head.

Speaking of Hillary K. Hippo….

After correcting Glo on the number of frantic and panicked calls she’d already received, the Pygmy Hippo sat upon that gorgeous, antique cherrywood bookcase, in all herimaginedglory, drinking tea and eating scones made by none other than Glo’s cousin, Lucy Brown-Archer, the Brown Witch of Magical Deliciousness, Special Memories, and the Holder of the GoldenSpark of Warmth and Happiness. They were meant for Glo. Every time they came in one of the expertly decorated tins, they were for Glo, not that she got very many of them.

It didn't matter that they were made with Lucy's own two hands and special Enchantment given to her by the Great Goddess of All, the Universe, and all The Powers That Be. It also didn't bother Hillone little bitthat Glo loved all things sweet and wonderful and had been waiting for those extra special scones for three-hundred-and-sixty-three days because the Holidays were the only time Lucy made them.

Nope, none of that mattered to Hillary K. Hippo, but the worst thing of all, at least in Glo’s mind, was that Lucy had used Granny Esta Brown’s famous, super-secret, and incredibly elusive recipe–and it made the bestest ever, bomb–diggity scones in the whole wide world and beyond.

Out of all the Brown Family Elders, Granny, not Auntie, because of her age and status, and, well, it was what she wanted to be called, was far and away the best of the best when it came to baking. And when somebody who can create scrumptious baked goods like she could and also possessed enough Magic to turn everyone within a ten-mile radius into toads for the rest of their lives wanted to be called Granny instead of Auntie, a person did what was requested without delay, and with a smile on their face–if only to get a taste of one of her scones.

And what wonderfully delicious scones they were. Made from an especially Magical and totally magnificent formulation unknown to anyone but Granny Esta and the Brown Witch of Magical Deliciousness, Special Memories, and the Holder of the Golden Spark of Warmth and Happiness–aka Lucy Brown-Archer. That recipe and that recipe alone was the favorite of everyone from the Omnipotent Being known as Fate to the youngest Witch in the Brown Family…

And Hilly had gotten to them before Glo and would most likely not even leave a crumb. Needless to say, Gloria was not a happy Brown Witch.

“Ahem, I stand corrected. “…sixthperson to call me in as many minutes. All I need is…”

“All you need is a brush for that hair of yours, to get a cup of coffee, and to change out of your green, red, and black plaid flannel PJ pants and black Grinch T-shirt. I just don’t understand…”