“Come on, honey bun. Are you trying to tell me that there’s nothing there between you and Dom?”
She held his gaze for a long moment. “I don’t know, Dad.”
He gave her a skeptical look.
“I mean, yes, I… He’s a good man.”
“He’s a good-looking man – even I know that much.” He chuckled. “Not that that would count for much if he wasn’t a good man. But Sadie, there’s sparks between you two. There’s something there.”
She nodded slowly. “Yeah, but…”
“But nothing. Even if it’s just tonight, if it’s just one dinner, I’d say that you both deserve this. Enjoy each other’s company – you don’t need me spoiling it.”
“You wouldn’t spoil it!”
“I didn’t mean it that way, and you know it. What I mean is that the two of you having dinner alone is a different proposition than the three of us having dinner together. I’ll be happier in here eating mine off that lap tray thing. Okay?”
“Okay.” She went to him and perched on the arm of his chair. She kissed the top of his head. “I love you, Dad.”
“I love you, too, Sadie. But it’d break my heart if I was the only decent man you ever loved.”
She sat back to look at him, and he winked at her. “Yeah, I really said that.”
She shook her head with a smile. “You couldn’t stand Dale from the get-go, could you?”
“No. But what I just said wasn’t a dig about him not being a decent man. It was more about my hope that you’ll fall in love again.”
She stared at him, and he nodded. “Especially if you manage to do it while I’m still around to see it.”
He smiled when the doorbell rang. “I likedhimfrom the get-go.”
She smiled as she got to her feet. “I did, too. Would you do me a favor, please?”
“That depends, what is it?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “When I bring him in, will you tell him that you don’t want to eat with us? I don’t want him to think…”
“Sure I will, honey bun. But you needn’t worry; he won’t mind.”
~ ~ ~
When Dominic reached the front door, he took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. That first night, when he’d dropped Sadie back here after their dinner at the diner, he’d imagined for a moment that they were on a date. Now, they kind of were. It made him smile to think that Harvey was joining them on their date, but he was good with it. He knew damn well that the old guy would head straight back to the living room to watch his shows just as soon as he could.
Sitting chatting in the kitchen, or even out back since it wasn’t as cold this evening wasn’t his idea of a great date, but it’d begood. It hit him that it didn’t really matter – all that mattered was spending some time with her.
When the front door opened, her smile hit him right in the chest. He didn’t know what it was about her, but she got to him. She had since the very first time he laid eyes on her. It’d taken him a while to understand what was going on. Now, he understood it. Not only that, he’d made the decision that he wanted to pursue this. He didn’t know what that would look like, he didn’t know how he’d handle it, but he knew that he wanted to try.
“Hi.” She reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear nervously. That made him smile. They were in this together – they were both nervous. “Sorry, come on in.”
“Thanks.” He held up the takeout bag. “I come bearing dinner. Oh, and before I forget, Taryn sends her best.”
“Please tell her that I said thank you. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble – for you or for her. Dad took me by surprise when he asked you to bring takeout from the restaurant.”
He chuckled. “It’s not a problem. She was happy to do it.”
He followed her through to the kitchen and set the takeout bag on the counter. Sadie looked uncomfortable, and he decided to share what else Taryn had said.