Page 91 of Obsession

“Because he sells, darling. And he sells big. The stupid child has lost his hunger now that he has money. You’d think he’d want more like the rest of the artists I deal with, but no.”

I rolled my eyes. It was a familiar refrain. I’d kill to be able to sell my work like Brody Nelson did. He wasn’t even twenty and already he had more sales and more ego than artists forty years his senior.

The fairness was in the negative numbers by about a million.

Philomena gave a dramatic wave of her hands over the empty pedestal. “I gave him the best placement, of course. I could rearrange the entire show and make this room a showcase for Robert Singer, but I just don’t have the time.”

I have a piece.

The voice was as loud as a trumpet in my head, but I couldn’t get the words past my lips.

Not ready.

Not ready.

Ready. It wassoready.

Shut up, Negative Nancy voice.

I wrapped my arms around my middle. I never wanted to use my friends as a way to sell my work, least of all Phil, but desperate times…

“I have one.”

Her gaze snapped to mine. “You do?”

I gnawed on my lower lip.Just spit it out, Grace.“Just finished last night, actually.”

“You’ve always sold well in the past. Can you get it here? How big is it?”

My belly fluttered with nerves and hope. “I don’t want to push it on you.”

“Stop.” She placed her hands on my shoulders. “As I said, you’ve always sold well for the gallery. You’re doingmea favor.”

I tipped my head to the side. “Come on, Phil.”

She waved me off and placed her hands on her hips. “What do I have this place for if I can’t help a friend or two? Besides, you’re like a daughter to me. Of course, I want to put your piece in here. I should have thought to do it sooner.”

My eyes prickled. “It’s a little different than my usual stuff.”

Her shrewd hazel eyes lit with interest. “Oh?”

“It’s a bigger piece.”

“Is it a window?”

“No. A sculpture.”

“Then yes, definitely. Can you go get it?”

A wide set of shoulders drew my eyes away from Phil. “I…”

“Do you need someone to help you?”

Blake nodded to me as he strode across the room to the archway. He stopped there and gave me a slow half-smile. Just the corner of his mouth turning up. So very much like the first time I met him.

Then he was gone.
