I wiggle my ass to coerce his finger in deeper. “I’m better than all right,” I insist.

He fingers my asshole in long, smooth motions, and it’s diabolically amazing. My head starts to swim. He hasn’t touched my clit at all, and yet I can feel the sizzle of orgasm lurking somewhere nearby. How is that possible?

“Do you want more?” he asks.

“Hell yes. I want it all,” I say, gyrating my hips.

He chuckles and adds a second finger. A sound like something between a moan and growl escapes my throat.

My eyes roll in the back of my head as I’m introduced to a pleasure I had never known before, that I didn’t even think was possible. He adds more lube and starts to move faster, really finger fucking me now. My body is completely relaxed and pliable. Two fingers are fine, but I think I want more.

“I want you inside of me,” I tell him.

His eyebrows raise high on my forehead. “Which part?”

“Fuck my ass,” I say, looking him in the eyes with feral lust.

The smile slips off his face and he licks his lips. “Are you sure you’re ready for the full thing?”

He strokes his big dick with his free hand. It’s intimidating. Far bigger than his two fingers, but I feel stretched out and relaxed. I want to at least try.

“I’m ready,” I insist.

He slathers lube on his dick, and more on my asshole. Then he lines it up, holding the base down by his balls. The head pushes up against the entrance. He pushes but it doesn’t want to give at first. I push back and the head slips in so suddenly that I let out a yelp. I’m not entirely without pain. It definitely hurts more than two fingers.

“Want me to stop?” he says, not moving.

“No.” The longer he stays inside me the more the pain starts to subside until it’s completely gone.

When I finally adjust to his size, I grab his hips and urge him forward. He rocks into me. He sinks all the way into me, and it’s magic. It’s fucking glorious. So alien, yet so incredible.

“Tell me if you want me to stop,” he says in a strained voice. I can tell he’s loving it as much as I am.

“Don’t you dare stop.”

“Jesus, your ass is so tight. You make it hard not to come instantly.”

“I’m having a hard time holding back myself,” I tell him.

He rubs my clit at the same time he pushes into me and my body becomes as stiff as a stone.

“I don’t think I can hold on much longer,” I say in a desperate voice.

“Don’t hold on, baby. Let it happen.” He spears me again and again, then spreads me apart. “I want to watch you come. I want to see it spill out of you.”

At the first tinge of orgasm, my muscles clamp down on him and he moans.

When he speaks again, he’s breathless. “I can see the muscles in your pussy moving.”

He thrusts harder, sending me rocketing over the edge. There’s no more stopping it. It’s too late now.

“Fuck, you’re so wet.”

I can feel the evidence of my orgasm spilling out of me, rolling down the space between my front and back entrance. Things get a lot slippery after that as he continues to plunge inside of me.

“Your pussy is so fucking perfect.” He shoves two fingers in, double penetrating me. I cry out as the last of my orgasm bears down on me.

“I’m going to come in your ass,” Mac says, and with one more hard push his cock begins to jerk and spasm.

We both stay in the same position, frozen and mute. We’ve exhausted all our energy. I find it funny and absolutely adorable that I wore the seasoned athlete out.

He waits until every drop has been emptied into me before pulling out. He looks ready to pass out so I scoot over and he lies down beside me, still heaving and out of breath. “Holy shit, you’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever met.”

I laugh, which causes some of his load to leak out of me.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” I say.

“Stay the night with me. Please. I want to wake up beside you in the morning.”

I turn over on my side to look at him. His hair is still wet—from sweat or the shower, it’s hard to tell. What I do know is we’ll both need another shower after this.

“You know I can’t.”

He sighs. “Are you always going to let your brother control your life?”

“No, I promise. I just need to get through to him. I will happen.”

“I hope it doesn’t take too long. I want to finally take you out on a proper date where we don’t have to hide from anyone.”

A proper date with Mac sounds like a dream. I would love to show him off around town, making my old friends jealous while I’m at it.

“I would like that.”

He pulls me close to him again and we kiss for another half hour before we’re both too tired to keep going.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I tell him before escaping out the window and back to my house.

As I climb the fence into Nathan’s yard, I notice that he’s still not home. I haven’t seen him this pissed in a long time. When I finally crawl into bed, I feel both elated and sad. I’m mad at my brother for making this night any less than perfect.


The next morning, I get up, shower and get dressed, then I head to Nathan’s gym. He never came home last night. I’m starting to worry.

When I pull into the parking lot and see his truck, I’m flooded with relief. I park next to him and go inside. The inside of his gym is far different than Mac’s. It’s much smaller, smells like sweaty bodies, and all the equipment is well-worn. There are several people working out despite the early hour. There’s a lot of weights and treadmills in use. Most of the people who go to his gym look like meatheads. They are the types who post food pictures of their Keto diet on Instagram even though it’s the most unappetizing thing to look at. They are CrossFit junkies, the ones who never shut up about their workouts and how much they hate leg day. It’s not my kind of scene, but Nathan loves it here and running this place earns him a comfortable living.

I slowly make my way to the front counter where Nathan is sitting behind a desk, looking at the screen of a computer. He’s wearing gym clothes. That’s not what he was wearing last night when he stormed off. When I approach the counter, he looks up from his computer screen and seems wary to see me.

“Can we talk?” I ask.

To my surprise he says, “Yeah, back here,” then turns to one of his employees and asks him to watch the counter while he’s gone.

He leads me toward the back and into a closet where I see a cot that’s been slept in and his clothes from yesterday folded up next to it. So this is where he slept last night.

I’m surprised he’s actually willing to talk to me right now. Normally after we fight, he makes things more difficult than this. It usually takes several days for him to calm down before he’s willing to talk. He’s such a stubborn ass sometimes, but he’s also an incredible human being. I wonder if he’s willing to talk to me because he can tell how broken up I am about our fight—that, or he wants to come back home without things being awkward between us.

He sits down on the cot. His appearance is disheveled, his hair sticking up in all directions, big purple bags under his eyes. It doesn’t look like he’s slept. I sit next to him on the cot and I can see why. This thing is terrible. I can’t imagine anyone being able to get a decent night’s rest on it.

“What do you want to talk about?” he asks.

I look down at my fingers that are braided together. What I have to say won’t be easy and I know he won’t approve.

“I want to let you know that I’m taking the job Mac offered to me. You’re wrong about him. He’s a good person trying to help others. I want to be a part of that—also, I need the money. The job pays well and in this town, that’s hard to come by. My choices are doing something I love or working at the Dairy Queen. Which would you choose?”

He stares at me. I face h

im and stare right back.

“You sure this is about the job?” he asks with suspicion. “Because I heard otherwise.”

My mouth falls open in shock. I knew our town was small and full of gossiping little trolls, but this has to be some kind of world record. I’ve barely been in town for forty-eight hours. How much could they be talking?

“What did you hear?”

“A friend of mine saw you getting friendly with Mac at the grocery store. Then I saw you and Mac at the docks and it seemed a strange place for him to be offering you a job.”


Shit, shit shit.

I sit up straight, done with the lies. I’m done hiding.

“I care about Mac. I always have. He cares about me too. The only reason he didn’t try to date me in high school was because he was loyal to you, even though you were a dick to him.”

Nathan opens his mouth. He’s about to speak when I talk over the top of what I’m sure will be an objection.

“You’re not going to scare me away from him the way you did when we were teenagers. And if you want us to remain close, you’re just going to have to accept my feelings.”

I stand up. Nathan doesn’t say anything and he doesn’t try to stop me when I leave.

I go straight from Nathan’s gym to Mac’s, which is just a couple miles down the street. When I go inside, I find Mac sitting on the floor trying to put together a piece of equipment. He looks up and smiles at me.