Page 37 of Havoc

Hadrian opened my door and I saw Lennon on the steps.

“Want me to get rid of him?” Hadrian asked quietly.

“No, it’s fine. Take the files from the car inside and hide them in my desk.”

“You got it.”

I moved up the stairs to greet Lennon. “You look better.”

“I feel like shit though.”

“Why are you here?”

“I need you to listen to me,” he said, seriously. “You can’t trust Sonora, she’s not out to help you. She makes the decisions on who gets the seat and she put Deacon first.”

It shouldn’t have been a surprise given what I read about her in the file, but it was good to know either way.

“Lennon, I’m tired of thinking of ways for you to prove yourself to me.”

“You shot me in the middle of sex,” he said. “And I’m standing here, helping you.”

“Yeah…about that. I was annoyed when I found out you worked for my brother.”

“I do, well, I did before I found out you came home. My sole loyalty is to you, Pres, I don’t know how many ways I can say it.”

I wanted to trust him, but something told me not to go down this road. He was my weakness and when you had a weakness, people used it against you.

“I need to get changed for tonight,” I told him. “Go there ahead of me and make sure Sonora doesn’t do anything stupid.”

“Got it.”

I turned to move inside when I felt my elbow being pulled back. Spinning around, my mouth was caught by Lennon’s in a kiss that told me all I needed to know. It was soul-searing, earth-shattering, and just a little possessive.

Just the way I liked it.

“What was that for?” I asked when he pulled away.

“To show you that you’re mine, always have been, always will be.”

“See you tonight,” I said as calmly as I could, and yet the kiss had awakened my nerves, and I started to throb. Lennon wouldn’t keep me distracted from my goal, but if he wanted to keep me satisfied while I took over this town, then he was the first contender.

Chapter Nine


I stood in the shadows with the others who weren’t worthy of being at the table. The “seat” wasn’t a literal one, but when it came to times like this, a table was set up with all the seats of power. I saw all the normal recruits here, and the new ones. Deacon stood by the other wall with his own friends in tow. Hendrix wasn’t here yet, but Pierce and Caelan had found me earlier to give me the run down. Jett and Ebony were standing with York near the table talking to other kingpins. Presley could mow them all down with a glance and I think they knew that. Gideon damn well knew it, and that’s why he worked up a plan to get rid of us both.

He could rot the fuck in hell.

Sonora made her appearance and instantly my hackles rose. This bitch had betrayed us all, and worse still, it seemed like she had pulled all the strings. I couldn’t wait to see what Presley had in store for her, because after all, she was the one Sonora had hurt the most.

Ebony moved and I saw a very weary Naomi standing with a black wrap draped over her shoulders. That wasn’t normal. She would have been on the prowl tonight, trying to find her next husband, and yet she didn’t stray far from Ebony, nor did she make eye contact.

Maybe Ebony was as crazy as everyone says.

And she’d been the one to torture Presley for years.

What the hell had she done to my girl?