He wasn't sure where that had come from but the hurtful words had spilled from him like poison. Angela's mouth set in a firm line and she pushed against his chest. When he slipped out of her this time, it felt like he'd failed.
She stood and grabbed his shirt, wrapping it around herself when she saw how many of the buttons were missing.
"Ae-cha!" she called, moving to open the door.
Zoric grabbed her and pulled her away from the door. She didn't fight him and he loved the way she melted against him. "I' fine, we don't need to call her," he insisted.
"Did something happen?" Ae-cha called from outside the door. "It smells like everything is fine."
"It was," Angela said. "But then it wasn't. Please come in."
How she could invite someone else into their room while he was still naked and holding her, Zoric couldn't understand. But Ae-cha didn't wait for a second invitation.
She gave them a cursory look before moving the clothes that had landed on the bench at the foot of the bed and sitting down.
"What happened? Are you okay, Angela?"
"I'm fine," Angela said. "But Zoric isn't."
"I'm fine," Zoric argued.
"Things were going great until we got to the part where we were interrupted last time. Then something went wrong and we stopped. It might just be nerves-"
Zoric growled. He was not nervous about consummating his relationship with Angela. He was willing, eager even.
"It might be," Ae-cha agreed. Both of the women ignored his growl. "But with everything else that's been going on, it's better to be certain."
"I am certain," Zoric started.
Ae-cha nodded. "I'm sure you are. Now, relax, you might feel a slight pinch."
He was hit by the full force of Ae-cha's mind. It was disorienting at first, then it was increasingly uncomfortable, like he'd been invaded against his will. Which he had, though he could tell she was attempting to be gentle.
Then he felt it. The slimy, oily wriggle of something that didn't belong in his brain. It was familiar and he realized why he hadn't been able to catch the invasive thought earlier. When he'd thought it had disappeared, it had actually jumped to the last place he would have thought to look for it.
Ae-cha was not gentle about removing it and he felt like part of his brain was being pulled out of his skull.
"Nasty and sloppy," she said with disgust. "And it probably left some damage behind."
"Can you tell who did it?" Angela asked.
"They didn't sign their name," Ae-cha said. "But it was the same person as last time. I think I have an idea."
"Are we safe to try again?"
Zoric knew what Angela was really asking. Were there any more of the evil, intrusive snake-like thoughts.
After a long moment, Ae-cha shook her head. "Hydrate first. And let me get out of the house before you do."
Chapter 21
Angela tried to hide her amusement at Ae-cha's advice to hydrate. It lasted until the lizardwoman was out the front door then burst forth in a laugh that had her doubling over and clutching at her sides.
After everything they'd been through, everything that had happened, being told to drink some water and watch her electrolytes before getting back into bed with the lizardman who had made her pleasure his personal mission was too much.
Zoric grumbled while she laughed and she could hear his claws clacking against the tile in the kitchen. When he returned with two glasses of water and a bag of potato chips, she doubled over again, her sides beginning to ache with the laughter and their earlier exercise.
Eventually, Zoric put the water on the nightstand she hadn't noticed and pulled her into his arms. She giggled as his armswrapped around her and she could feel his smile when he laid his face next to hers.