Page 33 of My 5 Bosses

And I’m worried I just revealed way too much. He’ll figure out why I freaked out soon enough.

He’ll realize I’m still a virgin.

A fact I’m proud of, actually. So why does it feel so terrible to me that he might guess it?

I don’t stick around to find out. I shove open the door and run.

“I have boy trouble,” I announce to the camera.

On my screen, Nita positively lights up with a grin.

“You don’t have to look so smug about it,” I add, scowling.

She snorts. “I told you you’d finally find a guy to crush on this year!”

My face flushes. I’ve been blushing so much over the past couple days I’m surprised I don’t permanently turn red. I can only hope Nita thinks this blush is because I’m embarrassed to be harboring a crush already and not because she’s wrong. I haven’t found a guy. I’ve found two.

“I just don’t know if this is a good idea, y’know? So early in the school year… And I have classes to focu

s on…”

“So what? You don’t have to go from zero to serious, Cass. You can have a little fun.” Nita frowns at the screen, studying my expression. “I mean, you think he’s into you too, right?”

Anthony’s words race through my mind. We want you, Cassidy. “Um, yeah. He’s been pretty open about that.”

Nita grins. “So then, what’s the problem? Just try him out. Enjoy college life!”

I heave a sigh. Wrong response, apparently. Nita’s gaze zeroes in on me, razor-sharp. Like it or not, the girl knows me too well by now. Being best friends attached at the hip for our entire high school lives will do that, after all.

“What aren’t you saying?” She raises an eyebrow, adopting her stern Mom-voice. “Cassidy. Are you crushing on a professor or something?”

“What?!” I blurt, laughing. “No. God, no.”

She narrows her eyes. “Okay. Then why all the weird? He’s into you, you’re into him. Let him seduce you,” she adds, a smirk in her tone.

“It’s not that simple,” I reply. Then I wince, trying to figure out how to word this without going into too much detail. I love Nita, and normally I share everything with her. But something about this situation makes me wonder if even Nita would find it just too weird. I can’t make myself say it out loud. Not all of it. “There are two guys,” I add, in a mumble.

Nita snorts, her expression positively gleeful. “You slut, oh my god, I love it.” She practically squeals into the mic. “Tell me everything. What are they like?”

I describe Anthony first, his boy-next-door good looks and his sports career, not to mention his great taste in novels. Then I talk about Vin, the bad-boy counterpart, and his interest in bio. Not to mention his tendency to flirt with me, hardcore.

“And I don’t know what to do because they’ve known each other forever,” I add, sighing, “So it could get weird—”

“Wait, wait, they know each other?” Nita raises an eyebrow.

“Yeah, they grew up together, and they’re both on the lacrosse team—”

“Oh my god, you like two best friends?”

I bite my lip, stare down the camera.

Nita reaches out to wrap her hands around either side of the screen, pretending to strangle me.

“I didn’t mean to!” I protest.

I think I might have broken Nita. She doubles over for a minute, and I can’t tell if she’s hyperventilating or what.

“Hello? Need some advice here!” I admonish her.