Page 11 of My 5 Bosses

This next orgasm is going to destroy me. I feel the intensity of it in my pores, my hair, my fingernails. It starts in my core and radiates up my spine and down my arms, into my legs until it reaches my fingers and toes. My entire body starts to quake.

The sounds Beck and Winston make become more animalistic, grunting and growling as they come closer to release.

“Oh, fuck,” Beck roars as his seed spills into my mouth.

When he pulls out, my throat is full of his cum and the scream tearing out of me is gargled.

With one more desperate thrust, Winston digs his fingers into my ass cheeks and releases his load inside of me.

“You’re incredible,” he says with an exhausted laugh. He gives my ass a playful slap and pulls out.

My body has definitely been pushed beyond its limits and now everything is numb. Beck catches me as I stumble backwards.

“Let’s get you cleaned up so we can go home,” he says, kissing my cheek.

I nod, unable to form a coherent sentence.

“You were incredible, babe,” Jason says, and he also kisses my cheek while Beck uses the napkins on the table to wipe the sweat and cum from by body.

I can’t help but laugh as they each give me some kind of compliment and kiss me. I’m spent, but they bounce around, playful, teasing each other like a team that just won a game. The others had taken an Uber to the bar, but now they ride in the SUV with Beck and me. They fight over who gets to sit next to me on the ride home, then play a game of rock/paper/scissors to determine the winner.

“She’s riding up front with me,” Beck says, flashing me a grin. He always seems to get the final say. They grumble and take their seats in the car and we go home.

First thing I do when I get home is take a steaming hot shower. The water feels amazing on my skin as I wash the stickiness and sweat away. I’m just about to wash my hair when Beck walks in with a towel around his waist.

I smile at him, no longer shy about nudity. He’s seen me in every conceivable position. “I don’t think my body can handle another round if that’s what you’re here for.”

“As tempting as it sounds, I’m just here because this shower has two heads and I figured we can share.”

“Come on in. The water is scorching hot. Don’t burn yourself.”

He drops his towel and gets under the showerhead opposite me, but doesn’t stay there long. Before I know it, his arms wrap around my waist and he’s looking me in the eye with an affectionate look on his face. My heart melts at the sight of it, and I put my arms around his neck. I love the way our wet bodies feel up against each other, especially when he looks at me like that.

“How are you feeling?” he asks.

How am I feeling? Sore, exhausted, bursting at the seams with happiness, but I don’t tell him all that. Instead I sum it up with, “I feel good.”

“You know tonight wasn’t just about sex, right?” he says.

“What was it about then?”

He pours out some of the shampoo from the bottle in my hands and starts to massage it into my scalp. The clean scent of lemon fills the room. I close my eyes, reveling in the way his fingers knead my skin.

“We care about you. I care about you. The five of us rarely agree on anything but we agree on you. We want you to ourselves. Exclusively.”

My eyebrows raise in surprise. “All of you?”

“Yes, all of us.”

“Has this ever happened before?”

“Never. You would be our first communal girlfriend.”

We both laugh at his wording, but that’s exactly what I would be. The exclusive girlfriend of five different men.

“How would this work?” I ask.

He shrugs. “I guess we just figure it out as we go. As long as no one tries to keep you to themselves, we should be good—but I have to admit having you all to myself is tempting.”