Page 6 of My 5 Bosses

“Why are you smiling?”

He chuckles quietly. “You’ll see.”

We go to the roof of a swanky bar downtown. The décor is minimal. Everything is white and clean. There are several cabanas with lounge chairs and circular outdoor beds beneath them. Twinkling lights are strung up everywhere and are the only light except the candles glowing on the tables. The stars are bright and the weather is perfect. There’s a view of the bay. The scent of the ocean and the restaurant downstairs is a nice touch. It’s the kind of bar that should be hopping on a Friday night, but there’s no one up here. At least I didn’t think there was until we walk further into the center, and in one of the cabanas, are my four other bosses.

I’m shocked to say the least. What are they doing here? It makes me a little uneasy because I love my job and I don’t want anything to happen to it. I don’t think they would take me to a bar to fire me, would they? No, I know they wouldn’t. Besides, they always tell me how amazing I am at my job. And they’re dressed too casually for a work meeting. This isn’t work related. They’re here for something else.

“What are you guys doing here?” I ask.

Jason, in that playful, flirty way of his, says, “Beck told us he was taking you out for drinks. The rest of us wanted in on the action.”

I feel a hell of a lot less guilty now for what happened with Winston in the shower and for going out with Beck now that the rest of them are here. I glance over at Winston. He has a drink in his hand. When our eyes meet, he raises his glass and gives me a slight smile. I start to relax. We move to a large table and sit down to have drinks.

“What will you have?” Beck asks.

“Sex on the Beach,” I tell him.

They all stare at me.

“What?” I say. “They’re good. Don’t knock it till you try it.”

Trey gives me a teasing look. “I’d definitely try sex on the beach with you.”

My face heats up and I can’t help but smile. The others chuckle.

The atmosphere when I’m around them outside of work is different. Even at work they watch me, but there’s a hunger in the way they look at me when we’re outside of the office that makes my entire body come alive.

We have several drinks and we’re all laughing and talking about work and things outside of work. We talk about all the things we want if the app takes off. I tell them about my dream of having a house and a dog. They all want similar things, as well as nice cars and boats.

“The one thing I want more than anything if this app takes off is a house with a sex room,” Jason says.

“A sex room?” I say, giggling. I’m on my second Sex on the Beach now and feeling very relaxed.

“Yep. A whole room dedicated to pleasuring a woman.”

“Really?” I say, intrigued. “And what exactly would you have in this sex room?”

“Every sex toy you can possibly imagine: Dildos, vibrators, anal beads, butt plugs.”

I stifle a laugh.

“What? Is that too much detail?” he asks.

The others are not just watching the conversation, they’re watching me, as if gauging my reaction. I sit up straight and look Jason in the eye. “Not at all. Tell me more. What other things would I find in this sex room of yours?”

He settles back with a smile. “Handcuffs, blindfolds, sexy costumes, porn, a wall of lube, anything you can imagine that might bring a girl pleasure.”

“Sounds like a lucky girl,” I say without thinking. I meant to say, that sounds interesting, but I said what I was thinking instead. Not only have the drinks made me less uptight, but they’ve loosened my tongue as well.

Jason gives me a carnal grin.

“Oh really?” Trey cuts in. “You’re into that sort of stuff?”

I shrug, trying to seem casual about the whole thing, when really I want to tell them just how perverted I can be. “I’m into all kinds of stuff.”

He nods, pleased with my answer. “Good to know.”

“So, Anya, how was your shower this evening?” Derrick asks, breaking up the awkward silence that came swiftly after answering Trey’s question.