When I can think again, I open my eyes, meeting his sapphire gaze. "That was perfect."
"Like I said earlier, you're perfect. And I love you more than life itself."
I fall asleep to the gentle rhythm of his breathing, knowing I'll be happy spending the rest of my life right here by his side.
I'm floatingon a cloud as I prepare breakfast the next morning, still basking in the glow from the night before.
What a freeing feeling, letting Keegan know everything in my heart and seeing that emotion shine back at me.
And the sex? Dear god in heaven, it was next level incredible. Nothing between us but our love.
My hand stills as I release the spoon into the coffee mug.
We didn't use anything.
I'm ovulating, and we didn't use anything. I allow that knowledge to settle over me, but I can't erase the smile spreading across my face.
After the wedding weekend, Keegan and I were careful. Every time. Did it feel good? Absolutely. Did it feel like last night? No way in hell.
Last night was unlike anything I've ever experienced. I've never felt such a rush of emotions before.
Until now.
Here’s hoping he feels the same way, because our future is whatever we make it.
“Exactly,” I whisper. “Ourfuture. Thank you, universe.”
Looks like I got my answer, after all.
My phone pings next to me, and I grab it, unable to wipe the grin from my face. It's likely Shawn sending me a photo of Domino, as reassurance that she's still as fat and sassy as ever.
But my heart stills in my chest.
Itisa photo. Several, in fact.
But it isn't of Domino.
It’s a memory slideshow, compiled from photos snapped over the years and stored in my phone’s memory. For most, it’s a sweet reminder.
I’m not that lucky.
This slideshow is dated five years ago.
Before Keegan.
Before cancer.
Talk about a low blow, universe.
It’s a punch in the gut.
A mocking reminder of what I’ve lost. The timing is impeccable, borderline diabolical, as my glow from Keegan smothers beneath an inescapable shroud of guilt.
I can't breathe as I stare at the cover photo.
Do I press play?