And it only takes two heartbeats for me to figure it out.
I make my choice.
I know exactly what I’m going to do.
Chapter 42
Footsteps clomp along my front porch.
My chin tips up from the book I’m reading, and I glance out the main window just as a shadow bolts by, disappearing before I can make out who it is.
I frown, wondering if it’s Chevy bringing over a bag of groceries like he sometimes does.
Closing the book, I set it down beside me on the couch, slip my shoes on, and pull open the door. It takes a minute for me to notice it as my gaze dances around the yard, across the street, left to right. But when I peer down at the porch, a familiar item stares up at me.
An orange backpack.
I swallow, a sinking feeling swimming through my chest. An engine roars and sputters beside me, coming from Chevy’s property, but I don’t give it much thought.
I’m too focused on the backpack—Ella’s most prized possession.
Crouching to my knees, I unzip the bag and peer inside. It hardly weighs anything at all.
And that’s because it’s only filled with one thing.
A note.
My hand trembles as I reach inside and pluck the folded paper from the bottom of the bag. When I peel it open, another rectangular piece of paper flutters out of it, landing at my feet.
I open the letter, my heart galloping, my breathing unsteady.
And I read.
Dear Max,
You can’t catch the sun, but there’s no shame in chasing its light.
I hope this brings you light.
Thank you for being mine.
Give your father the best care possible.
I love you.
A choking sound falls out as I read over her note, two times, twelve times.
Then my attention falls to the other little piece of paper resting near my shoe. I pick it up and turn it over. And I almost fucking die when I see what it is.
A check.
A check for $200,000.