He’s wearing a turtleneck for fuck’s sake.
And he keeps reaching out to touch her—her arm, her hand, her hip. He even pulled a piece of invisible lint out of her hair. Cora is all smiles and niceties as she nods at him, but I can see her grip on the cup is tightening and her knee keeps bobbing up and down. Lily is laughing at whatever bullshit he’s spouting off, and hey, I think Lily and Jason would be perfect for each other now that I think about it.Let’s make that happen.
I decide to insert myself into the conversation.
Cora’s eyes dance over to me, lighting up when I push my way into their little three-way circle. “Dean,” she greets, a big smile pulling at her perfect, cherry-stained lips.
“There you are,” Lily says, leaning in for a one-armed hug, while her other hand clutches her own beverage. “Cora said you’d probably be here. How are you?”
“I’m doing good. Things are getting better.” It’s easy to lie when it’s all you ever do. “What’s new with you?”
Lily chatters away about her job as a pharmacy technician, but my eyes keep darting over to Cora. Jason is playing on his cell phone as he nurses a beer, occasionally looking up to nod and smile. I’m only half listening to Lily when I decide to blurt out, “Cora’s not interested.”
Lily stops talking. Everybody stares at me.
Jason clears his throat, sucking down the rest of his beer and tossing the bottle into a nearby trash can. “If that was directed at me, I’m pretty sure the woman can speak for herself.”
“I’m sure she can, but as her soon-to-be brother-in-law, I have a responsibility to look out for her, and she’s in no way ready to jump back into the dating pool. So, it’s my strong recommendation that you take your flirtation elsewhere.”
Jason lets out a laugh that sounds anything but amused, while Lily tries to stifle her own laughter—hers definitely sounds amused, though.
Cora crosses her arms over her chest, glaring daggers at me. Her cheeks are flooding with color, her jaw tight. “What the hell, Dean? I’m standing right here.”
“I know.”
Jason turns to me, his hands planted on his hips. “Listen, man. I know you two went through some shit together, and I get that you’re looking out, but—”
“Someshit?” I repeat, twisting around to face him. This flippant motherfucker. “We were chained up like dogs for three goddamn weeks, kept alive with turkey sandwiches and well water, forced to do fucked up shit, while Cora—”
“Dean!” Cora interrupts.
Jason holds his hands up. “I’m not trying to downplay anything. I was just talking to the girl.”
Before I can get another word in, Cora snatches my hand and starts dragging me away from the kitchen. “Excuse us,” she says over her shoulder.
She pulls me into Mandy’s bedroom and slams the door shut, pressing her back up against it. “What. The. Hell.”
I let out a sigh, feeling a little regretful. Maybe those four beers hit me harder than I thought they would. “Sorry, I was just trying to protect you.”
She sets her cup down on Mandy’s dresser and takes a step closer to me, her eyes stony, her features taut. “Youembarrassedme.”
“I wasn’t trying to.”
“Jason is a nice guy. He’s always been polite and respectful. Besides, my sex life is none of your damn business.”
“Sex life?” I arch an eyebrow as my insides spike with something that feels like jealousy. “You want to have sex with him?”
Her cheeks tinge brighter, her eyes floating away from mine. “Whether I do or I don’t, it doesn’t concern you.”
I swallow. “You looked uncomfortable. I was trying to help.”
“I don’t want your help, Dean. You don’t need to protect me anymore.” She releases a slow breath, tipping her gaze to the ceiling. “And maybe I was uncomfortable. Beingheremakes me uncomfortable. I’m still trying to get acclimated to people and noise andlivingagain,” Cora explains, her tone strained with telltale emotion. “But I don’t need a babysitter. I just need to rip the band aid off.”
“You think of me as a babysitter?” I try to downplay the audacity in my voice by looking at my feet.
Cora is silent for a long time, prompting me to glance up. I find that her eyes are fixed on me. We hold for a beat before she replies, “I have no idea what you are to me.”
At first, I’m offended. I’m outraged.After all we’ve been through.I’m about to respond, flustered and angry, when I realize… she’s absolutely right. What the fuck are we?