“Great shooting,” I commend, my eye fixated ahead. The last drone darts closer, getting into attack range. I take a deep breath knowing what comes next, sensing the trajectories of the attack, feeling them in a thousand multitude of premonitions. Tyrxie adjusts her aim as the drone emits its own blast.
In a flash, I alter the angle of my laser sword ever so slightly, absorbing the crimson death. My brave Tyrxie doesn’t flinch, doesn’t balk, filling my heart with pride as she unleashes her final shot. Her laser beam flies straight and true, punchingthrough the drone and crashing it to the ground. “Take that!” she exclaims, leaping with excitement.
“Congratulations, warrior who never misses,” I reply, standing with a smile, the sight of Tyrxie’s happiness a balm for my troubled mind.
“Thank you, thank you.” Tyrxie performs a mock bow before straightening. “Did you really slash a laser beam out of the air? That was amazing!” she inquires with a look of genuine wonder that inflates my ego in a most pleasing way.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” I reply, knowing my skills will be put to the true test in mere moments. The challenge brings a smile to my face, while Tyrxie’s smile shifts to a puzzled expression.
I march down the corridor, faster now, knowing the danger is vanquished. Every step brings us closer to our audience with the Imperator. The building continues to vibrate with the rhythmic thudding. It won’t be long now until they breach the outer doors and override the control center. The thought drives me onward.
“Did you really know I wasn’t going to miss?” Tyrxie asks, as her eyes scan the corridor for dangers. “And the way you positioned your sword. Like you knew the blast was coming.”
“Yes and no,” I reply, scrunching my face as I search for the right words. “There are thousands of paths where you didn’t miss, and some where you did.” I turn to her with a smirk. “One particularly troublesome path where you missed all three shots. We’ll call her the ‘Bad Tyrxie.’” I chuckle.
“Bad Tyrxie,” she repeats, scoffing. “No way I’d miss three shots in a row. That’s ridiculous!” I could say more about how in that path I was forced to shield her while also slashing the drones—a close-run thing.
We arrive before doors of dark, polished wood with intricate carvings and gold leaf accents—no, not gold. “That’s voiding Elerium!” I exclaim in shock, tracing my fingers over theriches brazenly used for decoration. Statues of Nebian heroes, captured in stunning detail, flank the massive entrance. I laugh, marveling at the ludicrous size. “I don’t think Nebians come in that size.”
Tyrxie smiles but is lost in the opulence of the Elerium-encrusted door. “Nebians come in precisely the perfect size, you overgrown lumbering barbarian,” Felixus declares, approaching with Quad.
“My apologies short-stuff. I never noticed you from up here,” I retort with a smile at the frowning Felixus.
Quad’s gaze shifts to the destroyed drones, his face drooping a little more with each viewing. “You said I get to bash. But I miss every bashing!” he shouts in annoyance.
“No, my eager friend, you’ve arrived just in time for the best bashing,” I reply, nodding to the massive door, knowing his timely arrival was no mere accident.
“Oh!” Quad’s face lights up and his pace quickens, almost bouncing with joy.
As he approaches, I wrap my arm around his shoulder, peering down at him and already regretting the action upon catching his pungent smell. “You see, inside that room, Quad, are two fortified positions. One in each corner, packed full of bashable tinies.” Quad nods repeatedly, snorting to himself. “Now, when I enter that room to draw their fire, you count to ten. After that, you come in and bash until there’s nothing left to bash. Understand?” I finish with a smile.
Quad hops on the spot, forcing me to release him, and hums a tune that only consists of one word—“Bash.”Tyrxie frowns, looking at me. “Drawing an entire room full of laser fire? Are you mad, Xandor?”
Why do people keep asking me that?
“I told you. You haven’t seen anything yet.” I smirk at Tyrxie, yet her stern green eyes look less than pleased. Then I frown,thinking harder on my words. “Actually, I don’t want you to see. You stay on this side where it’s safe,” I add with a nod.
Even though I’m smiling and doing the right thing—keeping her safe. A baffling awkward silence lingers as Tyrxie appears frozen locked in a rather unpleasant expression. “You can’t be serious? Why’s it okay for you to risk your life charging into a barrage of laser beams, but not me?” Her words come in a rush.
“Because I’m a Klendathian who can divine the future, and because I love you,” I state the simple truth, gazing into her soft features.
“I love you too,” she mutters, her beautiful expression mercifully softening. “That’s why I’m coming too.” Her words strike like a kick in the shin. Yet I don’t argue knowing every path short of restraining her leads to the same stubborn outcome.Felixus is having a bad influence on her!
“Fine, but don’t take any chances, and stay close to Quad,” I reply, trying to ignore the few outcomes where she takes shots.
Tyrxie nods in agreement, adjusting her laser rifle. “What about me?” Felixus asks, surprising me with a rare look of uncertainty.
“You want in too?” I ask, feigning a sigh, but already knowing his answer.
“What’s that sigh for, you arrogant, blockheaded savage?” Felixus snaps. His comical protests force me to suppress a laugh. “I’ll have you know I’ve served in the Nebian armed forces! If you think I’m going to stand here twiddling my thumbs while even the pretty lady risks life and limb, you’ve got another thing coming!”
“Peace, my vertically challenged friend,” I reply, struggling not to laugh. “I merely thought to spare you from attacking your own war brothers.”
“War brothers,” Felixus repeats, scoffing. “I’m already up to my neck in this madness. Might as well take the full plunge.”
“And a fine neck it is!” I beam, slapping Felixus on his back, forcing him to curse and stumble. “And a brave heart,” I add with genuine respect for my peculiar Nebian friend.
“Remember, Quad, on the count of ten?” I remind him, only to see the Barlyxian counting off his fingers with a growing expression of confusion.