“I’m not. I’m good. I’ll enjoy it while I can, but if someone wants what I want, then I’ll go. It’s going to be your loss, not mine.” She shrugged.
I moved closer to her and tapped her chin. “There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as he makes you happy. No lie, I would miss you, but you are a good woman who deserves happiness, and I won’t stop you.” I kissed her forehead. “In the meantime, though.” I smirked. “You think you can handle another round?”
She smiled and lay back. “I can.”
I grabbed a condom from the drawer, sheathed myself, and got to work.
I wasn’t sure how much time passed, but Shannon and I had fallen asleep after we went another round. My phone ringing woke me up.
I almost let it go to voicemail until I saw my mother’s face flash on the screen.
“Hey, Son. Why do you sound like you just woke up?”
“Because I took a nap. I didn’t have anything to do but chill all day.”
My mother sometimes forgot about the time difference. For her, it was almost noon, but for me, it was almost seven at night.
“Did you have dinner yet?”
I smiled because she asked the same question whenever we talked, as if she could fix me something to eat if I didn’t.
“No, ma’am. I’m getting ready to make something in a few minutes though.” I glanced over at Shannon, and she was still asleep.
Not wanting to wake her up, I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. Since she was here, and would most likely stay the night, I would make enough for her as well.
“Well…” I knew she was about to say some bull because of the way she dragged the word.
“What is it?” I asked as I got the ribs from the fridge that I prepared earlier. If Shannon was up, she would help me cook because food was our love language and the way we bonded.
“Your sister had a situation with Jasper, and she was supposed to do a restaurant review next week, but she won’t be able to. Do you think you can come home to do it? Plus, I haven’t seen you in God knows how long, and I want to lay eyes on you. I’ll even pay for your ticket.”
I didn’t know why she insulted me like I didn’t have my own money. I didn’t have anything important on my agenda that I couldn’t do before I left, and it had been a while since I saw my family. I wasn’t sure why she couldn’t do it since she was a food critic as well. Hell, pretty much everyone in the whole family was either a critic or a chef. I didn’t ask her, though, because I knew it was her way of getting me to come home since I hadn’t been in two years. We’d only been seeing each other on FaceTime. I wanted to lay eyes on my nephews anyway.
“I got you, woman.” I chuckled. “Don’t worry about my ticket though. I have a few things I need to take care of here, but I’ll be there sometime next week. Is there a specific day I need to be there?”
“No. As long as it’s next week, any day will be fine.”
“Bet. I’m going to make dinner and book my flight. I’ll text you with the info so someone can pick me up from the airport.”
I didn’t feel the need to rent a car since I kept one at my folks’ house. My dad drove it every once in a while, so it didn’t sit idle all of this time.
“Okay. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Me either. Let me go. Be on the lookout for my text.”
We said our goodbyes and hung up.
I wiped a hand down my face because I wasn’t sure how Shannon would take the news, but my mother needed me, so I had to go. Good thing it was kind of last minute, so she wouldn’t have time to take off work. I didn’t want my first trip back home to be with her, and she or my family to get the wrong impression.
While I waited for the food to cook, I booked my flight. I wasn’t sure why, but something in my gut told me this trip was going to be different.
“Move ya fucking hands, Wyn.”
“I can’t.
“Yes, the fuck you can.”