“Cut,” James calls, laughing. “Yes!”
Ellie draws away, and we make eye contact before her focus slides over my shoulder. Bulky winter clothes or not, she must realize the effect our kiss has had. She slides along my body, and I keep her pressed tight. I want her to notice, to peer up at me again.
James claps us both on the back and whistles. “I knew you two had chemistry, but that’s the first time I’ve seen it combust on the screen. Whatever happened there needs to happen more.” Turning, he laughs and then shouts, “Fire. They were on fire!”
Ellie glances at me, a small smirk on her face. “Not the only thing on fire.”
“What can I say?” I grin and when she shifts back, I adjust my pants. “You have a way with words.”
“James said . . . I don’t want to mislead—” Her eyes are filled with uncertainty.
“I get it.” Grabbing her hand, I link our fingers. “But if that take ends up on the cutting room floor, I’m stealing it.”
“All right, let’s go again,” James calls out. “Everyone reset.”
For the rest of the afternoon, Ellie tells me she loves me over and over. There may be a special place in hell for James, our director. Listening to her say the words and knowing she doesn’t want to mean them is torturous. But kissing her over and over is worth the agony. By the time we break for dinner, my engine has been revving on high. I need an ice bath. And a stiff drink. One of those I can do, the other I cannot.
When I get to my trailer, Haven and Stacy are bundling themselves up in winter clothes. “What are you two up to?” I take off my coat. We have two hours before the lighting is right for the next shot.
“One of the crew mentioned there was a dogsled demonstration at the park entrance tonight. I was hoping to take Haven. Ellie said it was okay . . .” Stacy bites her lip.
She’s fallen into a habit of checking with both of us before committing to anything. Ellie and I were in a giant pissing contest when the shoot first started. We’re mostly beyond that now. “If Ellie said it was fine, then I guess it is,” I say. “Haven, you want to go?”
“I like dogs. Mom says she travels too much for us to get one. Aunt Nikki doesn’t want to take care of it.”
“Jamal loves dogs too. Maybe I’ll get one for my place.” Slowing my schedule has been on my mind. I could spend time getting to know my daughter, and I could help Anna stay on the right track.
“Really?” Haven squeals.
“Yeah, we can talk about it. I’m not saying right away, but I can make a dog work.”
A knock sounds on my trailer door, and I call for them to come in. Ellie enters and focuses on Haven. “I was hoping to catch you before you left.” She envelops Haven in a hug. Her lips press to the top of Haven’s head, and she closes her eyes. Calshae was right. Ellie’s a good mother. Responsive and caring. Everything Anna and I never had as kids. And what Anna still can’t give her son.
“Dad said we could get a dog.” Haven’s voice is an octave higher than normal.
“Did he?” Ellie’s expression is unreadable. She unzips her heavy winter coat but keeps it on. She must plan on avoiding me some more once Haven leaves.
“I said we could talk about getting a dog.” I wish Ellie would acknowledge me. After the day we’ve had, I want us to be closer, even if that closeness is artificial.
“We need to get going.” Stacy checks the clock on the wall. “One of the crew said the start of the show was the best.”
“Okay.” Ellie steps back, giving Haven space.
Haven grabs me into a hug before embracing her mom one last time on the way out the door. Ellie watches them go, ignoring me. Once they’re gone, I expect her to leave, but she doesn’t.
Slowly, the trailer grows thick with a tension I recognize too well. Today was a challenge for her too. The realization gives me a jolt of confidence.
“You okay?” I set my phone on the kitchenette table.
Ellie glances at me over her shoulder. “I should go.” But she doesn’t move.
The slant of her shoulders, the way she looks back tells me she doesn’t want to leave. I close the distance between us, and I run a hand along her side, letting it linger on her hip. “Something you need, Ellie?” I murmur into her ear.
Her breathing is ragged. She turns into my arms without saying anything, and my lips meet hers, hot and hungry. I lift her up, and she wraps her legs around my waist. With my hands cupping her ass, I press her against the wall of the trailer. She sheds her jacket with a few quick movements, tossing it to the side.
I’d resigned myself to blue balls after eight hours of foreplay. If she’ll let this happen, I’m going for it, even if we have unresolved issues. My dick is so hard it’s aching.
On the kitchen table, my phone rings, shrill and insistent. Ellie’s fingers grip the hem of my shirt, and she tugs it over my head. Her soft hands glide along my chest, and the noises she’s making are going to undo me.