Page 88 of When Stars Fall

“Yeah, I can do that.” Calshae shoves the suitcase out the door.

I turn away from her while I fill in Yasmeen, and then call Tanvi and tell her my flight’s been delayed. She could check my lie, but she won’t. No matter how things go with Ellie, I’ll be in LA today. She tries to talk about Haven, but I brush her off as kindly as I can, saying we can chat about my daughter over tea in person.

To get to Ellie’s house, Calshae takes us on a long detour to lose the paps trying to follow us. The ride gives me too much time to ponder the depths of Ellie’s anger. I lied. I’m going to keep lying. But I’m done drinking. That certainty needs to beat like a drum in my head when I talk to Ellie. I must convince her I’m clean andsober.

Dipping into the path, Calshae glances behind her before accelerating along the tight route. Parking in front of the side entrance, she peers behind us again. “Do you want me to come in?”

“Yes,” I say, gruffly. “I need you to tell her what we agreed.”

Climbing out of the car, she knocks on the side door.

Nikki answers, a weary expression on her face. “Haven’s here, Wyatt. Ellie’s barely holding it together. You weredrinking?”

Each of her phrases is a bullet to my gut. “I wasn’t drinking. Ellie doesn’t understand. I need to talk to her.”

Nikki glances over her shoulder and then whispers to me, “Based on how Ellie’s acting, I can guess what happened between you two last night.”

“She misunderstood.” That part I believe. She sees a few minibar bottles as a sign of my addictions. A weakness, maybe. But alcohol is not a problem. I’m not downing a bottle of Jim Beam every night.

“I bet you’ve never lied to her about something like this before.” Nikki raises one eyebrow.

I hate how she’s gotten to the root of Ellie’s anger. Whether I’m telling the truth or lying doesn’t matter. Ellie will believe whatever she wants to believe because she thinks she understands how I operate. Those empty bottles are not indicative of who I am now, and I won’t let her turn me into someone I’m not.

When we come through the kitchen and into the living room, Ellie rises from the couch, and her tear-streaked face is a knife to my heart. My gut clenches. I did this. After telling her she wouldn’t be sad with me anymore, I’ve ripped her heart out.

“Ellie.” I shove my hands in my pockets to keep from sweeping her up, comforting her.

“No.” Holding up a hand to ward me off, she pressed her other one into her chest. “You’ve been drinking. You promised me you were clean.” Her voice catches. “There’s nothing you can say right now. Nothing.”

Beside me, Calshae’s intake of breath is audible in the room. “I never saw him drinking, never smelled alcohol on him. He poured those bottles down the drain in a fit of rage.”

“Did you see him do that?” Ellie crosses her arms.

“Yes.” Calshae doesn’t look at me, doesn’t elaborate.

Ellie’s jaw is tight, and she comes around the couch. Her brown eyes scan my face, searching for the truth. It’s buried deep. All she’ll find is my lying confidence. She comes almost toe-to-toe with me. She turns to Calshae. “I don’t believe you.” Then she stares at me. “I don’t believe you either.”

“You’re wrong not to trust me.” Confidence oozes out of me. Whatever I have to say or do, I’m going all-in today. She’s not shutting me out.

“Supervised visits, that’s what you can have.” She whirls to leave my side.

“Perfect. That’ll be great during our joint filming schedule.” The words are out before I can reconsider. Ah, well. Maybe Tommy was on to something. At least this way, she’ll be forced to spend time with me, and I will not screw up again. I understand the stakes now. I didn’t when I let the liquid roll down my throat, warm my stomach, soothe my rage. If I’d been aware of what I was risking, I wouldn’t have allowed myself the luxury of a few drinks.

“I’ll be at the car. Watch your time.” Calshae ducks out of the room to the kitchen.

Good instincts. A fight is brewing.

“I have my own commitments.” Ellie scoffs. “Just because Kathleen Kirkton flaked out doesn’t mean I step in. Any movie with the two of us would be a media circus.”

“Fine.” I swallow my anxiety, and I raise the stakes. “I’ll take you to court. There’s a lawyer lined up.”

She glances at Nikki. There’s no surprise between them. Evelyn must have told her. Her mother has been giving everyone’s secrets away. Nikki rises from the couch and disappears down the hall. Is she going to monitor Haven or giving us privacy?

“Court wouldn’t go well for you.”

“Who knows? I’ll take my chances.”

“Haven,” Ellie says. “She doesn’t deserve to be dragged through a messy court battle.”