Page 79 of When Stars Fall

“Uh,” Nikki says. “I guess? You getting groceries or something?”

“Or something. When can you get here?”

“I’ll be over soon.” There’s a beat of hesitation before she continues. “Are you okay? You sound weird.”

“Fine.” I grab a duffel bag out of my closet and throw clothes in it. I hang up and call the

airport for the next direct flight. There’s a coach seat left on a plane leaving in four hours. That’s good enough for me. By the time Nikki arrives, I’ve packed my bag but done little else.

“Where are you going?” Nikki eyes my overnight bag.

She scans the messy house and frowns. There are toys, blankets, empty bottles, diapers, wipes, and dishes littering every room. It’s hard to believe a baby can create such chaos. The thought of picking up even one thing makes my head spin.

“I think you might need some help. This place is a disaster,” Nikki says.

“No, I’m fine. Quick trip to LA.” I wave off her concern.

“Audition?” Nikki plops onto the couch. “I didn’t know you were going back to work. What’ll you do with Haven?”

“Not work,” I say, impatient. “Wyatt.”

“He called you?” She turns wide eyes to me.

“No, no. I just . . .” I shake my head.

“You’re going totellhim? That’s a bad idea. Such a bad idea. He can’t help you. He can’t even help himself lately. Have you been paying attention to anything?” She narrows her eyes.

“You don’t get a say.”

“You’re going to shower, right?” Nikki sighs, and she scans my face.

“I’ll be staying at a hotel, so I’ll glam myself up before I go over.” I pick up my bag and give her a dirty look.

“If people see you . . .”

“I used to live there. Getting in and out without being seen is easy. I’ll be fine.” My idea is good. She should stop trying to drag me down.

“How long?” Nikki stands and goes to the kitchen. The fridge door opens. “Did you leave bottles? Breastmilk? Formula? Whatever else I need to look after a baby?”

“Call Mom if you need help.”

“Is that what you’ve been doing?” Nikki stares at me around the door of the fridge.

“I’m fine!” I shout. “Why does everyone think I’m not fine? Everything is fine. Once I get Wyatt back, once I tell him, everything will be more than fine.”

“He’s sober? Clean? Doesn’t seem like he’s anywhere close, from what I’ve seen.”

“I don’t care anymore.” I open the side door to exit the house. “I don’t want to feel like this anymore.”

“Ellie.” Nikki follows me to the door. “I think you might need some help.”

“I’m going,” I say. “I’m going to tell him, to get him back.”

She leans against the island. “I start my real estate course in three days. You need to be home by then.”

“Of course, of course.” I give her a little wave as I close the door behind me.

The next morning, I text Kyle when I get to the side entrance of Wyatt’s property. Kyle appears within minutes, and he grins, unlocking the gate and swinging it wide. “You coming back?” He scans me from head to toe. “Wyatt’s been a mess.”