“You’re twenty-one, not sixty-one. Come out. I’ll cover your ass if we’re tired.”
We’re only two weeks into filming, and I’ve heard enough about my costars to realize there’s a good chance they won’t sleep tonight.
“Last week in Cali before we leave for Spain. Live a little,” he says.
“Oh, fine.” With a small shake of my head, I loop my arm through his and vow to keep my wits. Should be easy enough. In the two weeks that I’ve known Isaac, we’ve become good friends, and he won’t lead me astray.
As we wander to where he requested a limo meet us, he maintains a running stream of inappropriate but hilarious jokes. Up ahead, a gaggle of models, extras, and crew stand at the edge of the lot.
“Where’s everyone going?” I whisper into Isaac’s ear.
“Oh, Ellie. We’re going out. We’re gonna make it rain money.” He throws his hands up flamboyantly. I suspect he’s already high on something.
The money from this movie pays my rent until I get another job. There is no guarantee for me that there willbeanother film role. I slow my pace beside him.
“Isaac!” Wyatt jogs up behind us, emerging from the darkness and into the streetlights like a myth come to life. “Man, I thought you were going to leave without me.” He slaps Isaac on the shoulder.
“Would have, but I had to convince Ellie.” Isaac steps to the side so Wyatt’s view of me is clear.
Was I hiding from him? I think I was hiding. Heat fills my cheeks, and I let my long blond-brown hair swing forward to partially conceal my face. On a film set I can hold my own, but when the mask of a character is removed, I’m tongue-tied.
“Ellie Cooper is finally coming out?” Wyatt sweeps me into a giant hug.
My heart thuds at the warmth of his embrace. If Isaac is beautiful and classy, Wyatt is dark and dangerous. He’s a storm thundering off over the ocean. Everything about him makes me anxious when we aren’t acting together. He’s too unpredictable when someone isn’t directing him.
My laugh sounds nervous to my ears, and I ease away from him, shifting my purse higher on my arm. He was making me sound like a prude.Finally coming out?
Wyatt deftly rolls a joint, the paper crinkling in the surrounding stillness. He lights it, takes a deep drag, and then passes it to me. Without hesitating, I accept it, inhale for a full second, and grin at him before passing it to Isaac.See? I’m fun.
Isaac waves me off. “Nah, man, I got better stuff.”
Wyatt’s brow furrows, and he gives Isaac a dark look. “You keep that away from her.”
“You’re one to talk.” Isaac laughs. “I bet you’re loaded to the gills.” Isaac howls, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Wyatt takes the joint back. “We don’t want her ruined on the first night out. They could still fire her ass.” He peruses me, amusement dancing across his features. “And I like working with her.”
Thank God it’s nighttime and he can’t see the full impact of his words. I’m like a schoolgirl desperate for a compliment from a cool kid. “Gee, thanks.”
Wyatt tips his chin at me in challenge. “What have you done?”
“Like, acting?” I pluck the joint from him again and take a deep drag. Maybe this will help suffocate my nerves.
“No, like, drugs.” His tone is mocking. I don’t know why he always unnerves me so much. He must find me so ridiculously boring.
“Weed, that’s it.” No point in lying. My mother is a doctor specializing in addiction treatment, and so my parents would have murdered me when I was younger for even touching marijuana. Even when I was no longer living under their roof, I didn’t stray far from their guidance.
Wyatt’s eyebrows lift in silent communication with Isaac.
“Point taken.” Isaac’s expression turns rueful.
“Well, what have you two done, then? If you’re both so hard?” I take another puff from the joint.
Isaac loops his arm around my neck and tugs me to him as smoke billows out of my mouth into the midnight sky. “Name anything and I bet we’ve tried it. Wyatt and I go way back to thePetalateersdays.”
“You weren’t doing drugs when you were on a Daisy Network show.” Adults wouldn’t have allowed that to happen.
They both burst into laughter. “How do you think we survived Daisy?” Wyatt asks.