“I know you do. I never doubted that.” I touch her shoulder.
Doubt isn’t the right word for how I’ve felt watching her let Jamal down over and over. I wanted her love to be greater than her cravings, but she could never seem to get there.
“You’re going with Camila to LA to pack up. Camila will escort you to Bermuda, where Evelyn, Ellie’s mother, will be waiting. Together, you’ll go to the treatment center, and you’ll check yourself in. Once the movie finishes filming, we’ll head back and have a place waiting for you to move into once you’re released. Ellie and I are taking some time off work. We’re sticking close to home. Help you. Get Jamal settled.” A small smile escapes me. “Have the baby.”
“You’re happy.” She scans my face and twists the tissue in her hand.
“I had a lot of regrets for a lot of years.” I lean back in my chair, calm washing over me. “Never thought I’d get here—with Ellie, with kids, with everything somehow falling into place. So yeah, I’m going to soak in my stroke of luck. I’m going to let myself be happy. ’Cause not every day is going to be great. But right now, in this moment, I can’t imagine wanting anything more than what I’ve got.”
“I hope I can get better, see this through, stop feeling like I’m chasing happiness.” Anna’s voice is quiet, and she stares at the tissue she’s holding.
Without an ounce of hesitation, I loop my arm around her shoulders. “We’ll do everything we can to get you there. I promise,” I whisper.
Two years later
I click the trigger on the lighter again and try to keep the flame going long enough to light the candles on the cake. Haven and Jamal helped me bake and decorate it while the baby napped. A surprise for Wyatt, but we didn’t quite get the mess cleaned up before he got home from his volunteer shift at the rehab clinic.
Finally, the last candle is lit, and I pick up the cake to carry it into the dining room. When I come through the door, Haven starts up the “Happy Birthday” song with Anna, Jamal, my parents, and Nikki. Wyatt’s broad grin matches that of our baby, Cooper Isaac, who is perched in the high chair beside him.
My heart overflows. Cooper’s little voice carries a tune just as well as his father’s. We sing a lot in this house, and Cooper knows “Happy Birthday” by heart. We’ve gotten so lucky to create this life together.
Placing the cake in front of Wyatt, I lean over and whisper, “Happy birthday.” I press a kiss to his temple, and he tugs me into his lap, one arm wrapped around me as he blows out the candles.
Anna gazes at her son with adoration. She’s been clean for the last five months, and it’s the longest stretch we’ve had. I’m happy to admit Wyatt was right. Sober, clean Anna is a delight, much like her brother. There’s still fire in her, but she knows when to use it. The last five months have helped strengthen her relationship with Jamal too.
“This looks professional.” Wyatt nods at Jamal and Haven. “I’m impressed.”
“I know you could do better, Dad. Don’t patronize us,” Haven says. The joys of a twelve-year-old. There is no end.
“Just because Icoulddo better doesn’t mean yours isn’t good,” Wyatt says.
“Okay, then.” I clap my hands and scramble out of his lap. “White or chocolate? We got fancy, and there are two cake flavors under there. Though I’m not sure which end is which, so that’ll be an adventure.”
My parents laugh, and Nikki shakes her head. While I’m getting plates and cutlery from the kitchen, Wyatt wanders in. His arms circle around my waist, and he draws me against him in a tight embrace. I’ll never complain about the expanse of his solid chest behind me. We’ve become a real team in a way we couldn’t be before. I don’t have to look after him—we take care of each other.
“Thank you,” he murmurs across the top of my head.
I stop what I’m doing and lean into him. There is so much joy in me, I could run a marathon or dance a jig in the middle of town. Not every day is this great, but the ones that are make all the hard days worth the turmoil we went through.
Turning in his arms, I tilt my head upward and our lips meet. He lifts me onto the counter in a fluid motion, as though I weigh nothing. A move familiar to us both from other moments, once we’re sure the kids are sleeping.
“Wyatt,” I say against his lips. “Anyone could walk in.”
“Let them. I’m enjoying my present.” He threads his hands through my hair and kisses me again. “I missed you today.”
“You see me every day.” I give him another peck.
“Soon I won’t.” He reaches around me to gather the plates from the cupboard.
In ten days, I’m leaving for my first movie shoot since Cooper was born. Wyatt’s not sure when he wants to go back to work. Not until a script moves him enough that he needs to do it more than he needs to be with us, at least. I miss working, so the first half-decent script I read when I was ready got the green light from me.
“You’ll be okay with the kids by yourself?” We’ve had this discussion many times.
“How hard can it be?” Wyatt winks.