Page 106 of When Stars Fall

“I’m not exaggerating . . .” Nikki starts the familiar phrase from our childhood.

“You’re ‘remembering big,’” I finish with a shake of my head. “Come get me if you need me.” I open the door and head to work.

Wyatt and I have to talk. Camila is right. He’d never survive being the instrument of his sister’s death, and I can’t ask that of him.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Present Day

James, the director, is a taskmaster. Normally, a day on set is an exercise in hurry up and wait. Lots of time to sit around and watch a clock turn over. Today, he’s more organized and efficient than usual. He’s annoying the shit out of me. I need mental space to decide what to say to Anna later tonight about Jamal.

“Cut, cut. Jesus, Wyatt. Get your fucking head in the game,” James yells from his seat.

He’d better not get off his chair. The takes when he ambles over, he gives a close-talker lecture. His cocky attitude leads us to the cusp of a full-on brawl. Patience will not hold me back from hitting him today. My inner Zen is being stored up for later.

“There something you want to say to me?” I ball my hands up. Hitting him would help with these shitty feelings. Release them through my fists.

James ignores me. He must sense I’m not taking his shit today.

I check my watch and remember it’s a prop. I curse under my breath. “Time?” I call out to anyone close enough to hear.

A crew member eating a bagel off to the side checks his phone. “Eight thirty.”

Camila is here. Ellie is in hair and makeup. How do I split myself in three so I can check on them and still be in this scene? Anna’s unpredictability makes me nervous. She shouldn’t be near Haven today. Ellie’s concerns echo through my brain. Of course, the situation isn’t safe. I should have asked Kyle to fly with Camila. Then I’d feel like I was capable of being in two places at once, and he’s good with my sister's mood swings. Almost better than me at talking her out of a rage.

“When are we moving on?” I call to James since he’s ignoring me to talk to other people.

“Whenever you get your head out of your ass and nail the scene,” James yells back before settling into his chair again. “Do you need me to give you a note or can you do your job today?”

Rage boils in me. I turn my back on him and suck in deep breaths. Today is not the day I blow it.Calm. I picture Ellie looking up at me, her face alight with a smile. Her dark eyes full of love for me. The anger leaves in a rush.She loves me. The rest of the world doesn’t matter. “Let’s get it done.” I make a circling motion with my hand for everyone to reset.

I nail the next take so hard I consider pinning the cut to the director’s forehead in triumph. He smirks, and I give him the finger. He’s such an asshole. Instead of escalating our feud, he eases out of his chair to prep for Ellie’s arrival on set.

Almost as though I willed it to happen, my lady love emerges out of the hair and makeup trailer. When she catches a glimpse of me, a grin breaks out on her face, lighting up my world. The tightness in my chest evaporates, and I can breathe again. Leaving the trailer this morning, I feared Ellie would talk herself out ofuswhile I was gone. For ten years she’s been doing it, and I understand better than anyone how hard old habits die. Today I’ve been so on edge I could embrace those habits like an old friend. A drink. One Perc. A fingertip of coke. Nothing drastic. Justenough. The gum in my pocket knocks against my leg like the pill bottle used to. That has to be my “enough.” Taking out the packet, I pop a square into my mouth.

When Ellie reaches me, she wraps her arms around my middle and squeezes me tight. Her cheek presses into the down of my coat, and I nuzzle her neck. Her familiar scent is masked by foreign products, but below her ear, vanilla and flowers come alive. All I want to do is scoop her up, carry her back to the trailer, and pretend the rest of the world isn’t here.

“Don’t talk to Anna today, okay?” Ellie murmurs.

“What?” I draw back. “Did I hear you right?”

I’m tempted to sweep her hair out of her face, but she just spent an hour with the stylist. They’ll murder me if I mess her up.

“You did. We should problem solve. Maybe there’s another solution that doesn’t involve taking Jamal from Anna.” Ellie stares into the distance behind me. “She must love Jamal.”

Hello, Divine Intervention.

I don’t want to ask the next question, but I also don’t want to be caught off guard later. “Are you sure?”

She nods, but there’s no eye contact. “It’s worth a try. See if we can help her.”

“I love you, Ellie. You know that, right?”

“And I love you.” Her expression brims with sadness. “I’m not sure there are enough words for how much I love you.”

“This about-face on Anna can’t be easy for you.”