“Hey!” Ben, who is on a video chat at the moment and in upstate New York with the team, snaps his fingers at me as Molly’s laughter fills the air. “Earth to Anna. Did you hear me?”
I want to shout “no because I’m thinking of kissing your star defenseman” but instead I simply shake my head.
“Sorry, I was distracted.”
“There’s a lot of that going around River City, and this team, at the moment.” His eyes narrow as he looks at me. “I was asking if you could make sure to drop off our travel documents to the travel agent so she can make sure the guys are all good to cross the border to Canada.”
“You got it. Though why anyone would have issues getting into Canada is beyond me.”
“They’re a little stricter there than the USA,” Ben says. “I had a bus stopped years ago because one of our guys had an old DUI on his record. They didn’t want him to come in, wanted us to turn around and go back.”
“Seriously?” I ask, looking at Molly, who nods.
“He tells the truth.” She turns back to the camera. “Do you need anything more from Anna, or can I send her out now to do some errands?”
“I’m good. Thanks, Anna,” he adds as I hop off the stool and grab the folders from the counter, shoving them in my messenger bag. “Oh, almost forgot, Molls—Travis is coming by to drop off some contracts for me to check out.”
I love it when he calls her Molls, even if Molly hates it. “Why are you looking at contracts—” she starts to say but stops. When I look at the screen, Ben’s shaking his head. I take this as my sign that not only am I not supposed to know what is up, I need to go now so he can talk to her about it.
“I can take a hint,” I sing as I head to the front door. I make it out to the driveway and am about to get into my car when I hear someone call my name. I look toward the street to find Travis hopping out of a cab.
“Hey,” I say, waiting in the drive for him to join me. I incline my head toward the house. “Molly’s expecting you.”
He holds up a stack of his own folders. “Yeah, Ben’s got me on a crusade, but never mind.” Travis grins at me. “Looks like he’s got you on one, too?” he asks as his eyes land on the files spilling out of my messenger bag across the passenger seat.
“I’m making a drop at the travel agent, then to the executive offices to pick up Ben’s mail there. He tries to steer clear of Jimmy.”
“Yeah,” Travis snorts. “That seems to be a pattern. He’s not a popular guy.”
“Honestly, I wish Sutton was in charge. Or Gavin, but no one knows when or if he’ll come back to the family business.”
“This is why I like being an agent,” Travis says with a sigh. “I don’t have to go to an office, I can be out here on the frontlines fighting for my guys and what they deserve.”
The way Travis’s eyes light up when he talks about what he does is impressive. “You really enjoy it, don’t you?”
“I’ve seen players get screwed over in this business, and I don’t like it. These guys put themselves on the line for a team, their bodies take the brunt, and they take hits that affect their physical and mental balance on a daily basis.” He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “I sleep easier at night knowing I’m helping them set themselves up for when the time comesafterthe games end—when youth fades, bodies don’t recover, and the crowds stop cheering.”
“You make it sound both devastating and poetic.”
“Because it is.” He holds up the stack of folders again. “I’d better get inside. Nice seeing you again. Tell Ollie I said hi.”
I watch as Travis disappears inside. It’s cool how much he likes what he does, it’s inspiring. I like knowing that there are people like him out there, safeguarding the guys he can. Just seeing him makes me think of Ollie and I grab my phone, buoyed when I see a missed text from him.
There’s a photo of him standing outside a record shop.
Want anything?
Who’s buying?
I’d like one of everything.
Done. Records will be delivered to your doorstep tomorrow. :) But seriously, want anything?
I think for a moment; I could be bossy and pick something out, but I want Ollie to pick it out.
Surprise me.