Page 106 of Horn of Winter

Us? I scanned the area but had no sense of anyone or anything being present other than the orb through which she spoke. Did that mean the orb itself had sentience? I guess anything was possible in this world between worlds.

The orb’s green light washed over my aunt’s body, easing her from my grip then guiding deeper into the tunnel. I followed and, as my eyes became more used to the darkness, realized we were on a different path, one that appeared to curve flatly around rather than dive deeper into the earth or air or whateverthis place truly was. We were obviously going somewhere other than the cavern and its solitary chair.

We more we walked, the more translucent the black walls became. Once again, shadows examined me from the other side, fantastical creatures that resembled myths of old, and human figures that did not.

Eventually, we reached what looked to be a small antechamber with several doors leading off it.

“Please stop in this room and wait,” Liadon said. “There is someone who wishes to speak to you.”

“Borrhás?” I said, with more than a little trepidation.

She didn’t answer, and her orb guided my aunt’s body through the door directly ahead. It closed with a thump that reverberated softly through the room and had my heart rate accelerating. I flexed my fingers in an effort to remain calm, and looked around, though I dared not move. The room was made of the same black stone as the rest of this place, but held none of its smooth luminosity. In fact, the bits of brownish red that streaked its surface rather oddly looked like earth, making me wonder if we were closer to the surface than the journey down here had implied.

The door to my left opened, but for several seconds, nothing else happened and no one stepped through. I frowned, wondering if the door’s opening was a rather ominous invitation I was supposed to accept, but as I stepped toward it, a man appeared.

A man who was tall, thickset, and handsome. A man who had long silver hair and storm-clad eyes. A man whose aura was both powerful and thunderous.

“Who are you?” I whispered, even as instinct stirred.

He smiled. It was my smile, wrapped in male features.

I took a step back. I just couldn’t help it.

This wasn't any old storm god.

Thiswas my father.