Page 55 of Shadow Scorching

She nodded. “Yes, that means the spirits are growing stronger. If we don’t clear this house now, you might as well burn it down and salt the earth.”

I kept my guard as she settled on one of the chairs. She spread out an array of items on the coffee table—a crystal spike as large in diameter as a cucumber, a double-edged dagger with a wicked shine, a crystal wand, several powders and sprays she had made, and a censer filled with salt. She lit a charcoal briquette, then sprinkled some of the powder on it.

At that moment, we heard singing coming from upstairs, and a loud voice—Lazenti’s—echoed down from Jules’s bedroom.

“Ready!” Lazenti called.

“And so, we begin,” Penn said. She stood, holding the dagger. “I want you to focus on me—if anything disrupts me, it will disrupt the spell. So do what you can to stop it.” She held out the dagger and began to turn slowly, in a circle going deosil—clockwise.

“Hecate, Goddess of the Night,

Hear my call as I begin this rite.

Once I turn, Maiden Bright,

Twice I turn, Mother’s Delight,

Thrice I turn, Crone’s Dark Light.”

When she was finished, she turned to the north and raised her dagger to the sky.

“Spirits of Earth, Hear me and take heed,

Attend me in my hour of need.

Bring mountain and cave, crystal and stone,

Rock and grass, tree and bone.

Protect this space, and hold me firm,

As the Wheel ever turns.”

Once again, she turned, this time to the east, her dagger still raised high.

“Spirits of Wind, Hear me and take heed,

Attend me in my hour of need.

Bring gust and gale, breath so calm,

Bring lightest breeze, and strongest storm.

Protect this space, and hold me firm,

As the Wheel ever turns.”

To the south, she incanted:

“Spirits of Fire, Hear me and take heed,

Attend me in my hour of need.

Bring sun and flame, kindled bright,

Bring blood and bonfire, in darkest night.

Protect this space, and hold me firm,