“This counts as bedrest, right?” Ori asks, wrapping her legs around my waist as I settle between her thighs. “I mean, wearein bed.”
“It counts. Besides, Dr. Fulton never said you needed bedrest. I convinced him.”
She smacks my chest, her huff making me grin. “Real nice.”
"I’ll show you just how nice," I murmur, sliding into her again, consumed by the need to have her one more time.
Seems I’m always desperate where Ori is concerned.
But just like earlier, I take my time. Yes, I want to ravage her, but more than that, I want to hold her. To feel her warmth surround me in an unspoken whisper, knowing that this time, my heart is safe.
Safe to love her. Safe to love this life we’ve built together.
Chapter 29
Everything Is Gone
re you hungry?” I murmur, pressing a kiss to Ash’s chest.
We’ve lazed around in bed for hours. Sue us—we had some serious catching up to do.
“Starving,” he replies, his hand absently tracing patterns along my shoulder.
“Let me get dinner started.”
Ash catches my wrist before I can leave the bed. “You’re supposed to be resting. I’ll pick us up some food.”
“You said that whole bedrest thing was a crock.”
“Bedrest, yes. Resting, no. Dr. Fulton wants you to take it easy.”
“That’s no fun. I want to cook.”
Ash shrugs, his grip firm on my wrist. “And I want you safe, so I win.”
“You’re full of great lines today.”
“I was saving them up, showing you what a catch I am.”
“I think the entire world knows you’re a catch.”
“See? This is why you should ask me to marry you.”
“Right,” I mutter, rolling my eyes. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a hell of a one-eighty to hear Ash discussing marriage, but I need to play this one cool.
“You know you want to.” He props himself up on one elbow, his grin widening into that signature cocky smirk.
I’m 99% positive the man is messing with me, but that 1% ismightyinterested in this recent development.
Shaking my head, I smack a kiss to his mouth. “Sadly, I’m not brave anymore where you’re concerned.”
But Ash doesn’t miss a beat. “I’ll be brave enough for both of us, and Ori—youwillmarry me.”
I lean back, wagging a finger at him. “Laying down a demand doesn’t qualify as a proposal, either, you know.”