Page 83 of Seeing You


His smile felt a bit tight as he replied, “I’m fine. Really,” he assured them. “I was thinking now might be a good time to think about moving some things around…”

“I have to agree with my wife,” Warren interrupted. “Something’s definitely wrong. Are you sure you’re doing okay?”

Don’t react…don’t react…

Stella quietly walked in carrying some folders. She never sat in on these meetings and he was used to her coming and going. The Marshalls were watching him and he knew he had to say something…

Then the perfect explanation came to him. “My father’s been a little incapacitated as of late. I’ve been going back and forth to be with him. He’s fine and getting stronger every day, but I guess all the traveling maybe has me a little exhausted.”

Stella let out a small snort, giving him a disapproving look as she did, before walking back out.


“You poor thing,” Dawn was saying. “You need to remember to take care of yourself. How can you help your father if you’re worn out?”

“I’ll try to remember that,” he told her before something occurred to him. “Warren, you recently retired. Did you stay in your office until the last day?”

Warren looked at him oddly before laughing softly. “Not at all. For the last five years, Dawn and I worked remotely. Our logistics company had a fantastic management team, so it wasn’t necessary for us to be hands-on every day. Once a month, we went into the office to check on things, but you know how everything is nowadays; there are a lot of jobs that don’t require a physical office. I wasn’t sure I’d like it, but once I embraced it, I realized how beneficial it could be.”

“We traveled and got to spend time with our children and grandchildren,” Dawn added. “That was the biggest perk to me. We used to miss out on so many things because we felt like we were tied to the office. Now we can pack up our laptops or tablets and work from anywhere. I’m sure it’s like that for you, right?”

He nodded. “I was able to work from my father’s house and there are days I work from home, too.”

Why am I acting like this is all a brand-new concept? I’ve been doing it for years, not just for the last two months!

“Sorry for the conversational detour,” he said with a bit of humor. “I guess I was curious and realized we’d never talked about that aspect of your careers. With a grin, he launched backinto their financial accounts. Thirty minutes later, he hung up after accepting their well wishes for his father, and part of him felt a little guilty for lying, but…his personal life wasn’t anyone’s business.

When he walked out of his office to get a cup of coffee, he caught Stella’s look again.

“Okay, what is that about?” he asked wearily.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said stiffly.

“The look. The disappointed look,” he told her.

“I just can’t believe you’d lie to that sweet couple.”

“I wasn’t lying.” Liar. “They asked me what was going on, and I told them. I have been going back and forth to help him. Where’s the lie?”

“Marcus, you and I both know something else is bothering you. I’ve worked for you long enough to notice.”

“There’s nothing…”

“Your father called and told me about your breakup.”

“What?!”he demanded. “Why? Why would he tell you that?”

“Well, he couldn’t get you on your cell phone, so he called the office and we got to chatting. And can I just say he sounds like a lovely man,” she gushed. “So charming!”


“Anyway, he told me about everything. I can’t believe you would keep something like this to yourself!”

This was ridiculous, he thought.

“I appreciate your concern, but it’s really no one’s business but mine. And for the record, I’m okay. This isn’t the first time a relationship has ended. I’m a grown man. I can handle it.”