Page 79 of Dirty Player

“First, I think he does. Second, I feel like there’s a story here. I have strong instincts, and you seem like a cool chick.”

Dumb stupid leaking eyes.

“I kissed Colby. That’s not cool,” I say to make sure she knows exactly what happened.

I cheated on her brother-in-law.

Payton glances over my shoulder. “Molly. I was right. You owe me fifty bucks.”

“It was five!” Molly replies, glancing between us then smiles at me. “Hi, Kaylee.”

What is going on here?

“Um, hi.”

“Eh.” Payton shrugs, grinning at me. “Come on. It’s time for some girl power. I swear these Montgomery men need a smack to the head before they recognize what’s right in front of them.”

Molly loops her arm through mine.

“Trust me, she’s right.”

I’m in such a state of shock that I don’t respond or say anything. I just let these two women lead me off. Then, for thefirst time since I told Steph, I share what happened the night of Jackson Billows's birthday party.

The two of them listen carefully, nod slowly, then stare at one another. I watch them have this silent conversation as my heart thuds.

“So you and Levi have been seeing each other for months and no one knows?” Payton asks. “Neither of your families or friends.”

I nod, biting the side of my cheek.

“That man is scared.” Molly states and rubs her hand over her swollen belly. “We need to fix this.”

I don’t think they understand. It can’t be fixed. I left off the bit about not telling my father the truth... so even if Levi was to admit his feelings, I can’t see how we could get around that. My father’s health is too delicate. Cheating is the worst thing in the world to him.

I’m not having him hate me and then die.

My god.

That would be...I couldn’t come back from that.

“If he loved me, he would’ve told me. I appreciate your help. Truly, it helps to know not all the Montgomery family hates me.” I wrap my arms around my middle.

Molly waves her hand in the air. “Please. Leave those guys to us. They are extremely loyal to one another, but they woulddiefor us.”

Payton’s smile grows and I shiver. She’s a force to reckon with, I can tell.

“Come on. Let’s go tell them you’re our new friend. I can’t wait to see their faces.”

Molly giggles at her friend and loops her arm back through mine. “This is going to be good. And if Levi still can’t man up, then he loses you and that’s his loss.”

I shouldn’t entertain these two fireballs of danger, but I like them too much. And I am looking for a little hope. Or perhaps it’s answers I’m looking for.

Is Payton right? Does Levi actually love me?

Or will he be furious?

I don’t know if I believe in fate, but this moment feels like it as we walk through the room full of insanely successful sports people, celebrities, and industry people.

They guide me toward Knox, Atlas, Ward, and Levi, and my heart thumps. All three of them have their backs to us, except Ward, who watches us as we approach.