Except Levi.
I glance in his direction and there’s no wondering about how he feels now he’s worked out why I’m here. He’s furious.
Hope he feels like an asshole.
“It’s a new year. New players. And some new team members,” Bill Waterman says. He does a round of introductions for the other newbies, including one of the marketing girls, Toni, who I think might end up being a nice friend.
Then he looks at me.
“And Kaylee Rose, which I know many of you are familiar with.”
The room fills with greetings, whistles, and some taunting.
While they know I dated Colby and Levi, no one seems to be aware of the tension between us, which means Levi’s cruel comment about me to his brother stayed right there.
“She’s joined the physio team, working part time with Natalie and Glen.”
Natalie is my boss. She’s the head physio for the Hawkes and I’m excited to learn from her. I haven’t met Glen yet.
“Kaylee is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, so just because she’s done shots with you, doesn’t mean you don’t take her serious when she gives you treatments,” Coach sternly says.
“I’m not getting any more damn injuries this season,” Kemal mutters, and I chuckle because last season he had three and sat on the bench with a scowl for the rest of the season.
“I want to look at your ankle.” Natalie folds her arms. “Come see me after this.”
“You need to stop doing all that dancing and do more throwing the ball.” Someone nudges Kemal's shoulder and next minute four of them are play-tackling one other.
Coach shakes his head and turns to us. “Well, welcome to the NFL. Don’t expect it to get any more professional than this.”
We all chuckle.
I let my eyes drift to Levi, who stands with his arms crossed at the back of the room. Not happy. Making a quick decision, as everyone starts piling out, I head in his direction.
Like he was expecting me to do just that, Levi doesn’t move. Just stands there staring while I get closer and closer.
He’s in a pair of black shorts and a white singlet showing off his defined muscles and the last of his summer tan. The way his dark hair is mussed from his workout looks exactly the way it did after I’d run my hands through...while he was thrusting inside me.
Do not think about that.
Not being attracted to this man is simply not possible. He towers over me and I’m pretty sure he’s something like twice my width.
Not going to lie, I love big men. Their size makes me feel all feminine, and given I’m sporty, I like that.
The moment I saw Levi, I was immediately affected. I was running to class and late. There were no close parking spots left, so I had to leave my car miles away. Then run.
I was fit, but by the time I reached the campus, my brow was sweating and my books were sliding out of my arms.
Then one dropped.
I stopped, skidded on the wet pavement, and fell straight on my ass.
“Fuck!” I cursed and heardwoah there,before a strong arm hooked around my waist and placed me back on my feet like I weighed nothing more than a bag of rice.
To be fair, I’m only five foot three.
“You might want to walk when it's wet. It gets slippery,” Levi said with humor in his voice as I dusted myself off and straightened my bag. Then he asked, “You okay?”