The best thing to do here is forget I saw her and get on with practice. I really do need to get my fitness up and those hill climbs are not doing themselves.
I chuck my phone in my locker and rip off my jersey.
On the way out, the coach calls out. “Two hours, then everyone needs to go to the large meeting room. We’re introducing all the new team members.”
Fuck I’m happy to be here.
I nod and start jogging on the spot while a few of the guys call outyes coach,then when he heads back into his office, I go out to the training field.
It’s an inside setup allowing complete privacy and protection from the incoming cold weather. It’s already cooler, now that it’s September, and only going to get worse. But we can’t get too complacent. We need to be able to play in cold weather, so every morning I get up and run for at least an hour before arriving at the complex.
Coach isn’t referring to the players when he meansteam members.There are hundreds of people behind each team and without them, none of us can perform at our best.
I sprint up the hill and feel the burn in my calves. Two other players are doing the same nearby, all of us at different times. Thirty minutes later, I’m done and head into the gym.
“Montgomery,” one of the coaches walks over to me.
“Hey Davis,” I say, wiping my arm over my forehead.
“Want to set up a plan with you to strengthen your upper body? Focus on some push and pull exercises.”
I’d been thinking about this last night, so I step into the conversation and for the first time this morning forget about a certain brown-eyed girl.
Ninety minutes later, we head to the conference room where everyone is gathered, and my brain freezes when I see her standing next to Head Coach Bill Waterman.
The fuck?
The arrogant son of a bitch.
How dare he say those things to me? Like I’m some common whore.
Yes, he caught Colby kissing me. Yes, technically it was cheating, but I didn’t kisshim.
Levi didn’t bother to let me explain the situation and it’s clear he used it as an excuse to end our relationship—which he wanted to do anyway.
How dare he assume I showed up at the Hawkes training camp this morning because I was fucking another player...and wearing his jacket?
If he’d taken a split second to think about it, the jacket was a size four.
Open your eyes, asshole. There ain’t no size four players on this team.
I wanted to punch the six-four, built-as-hell, handsome quarterback. And not just because of what he said. The moment he touched me and the way he stared down at my lips, my body buzzed with arousal.
Familiar arousal.
I know his body and he knows mine.