Page 13 of Dirty Player

We were insatiable.

When we weren’t going to a movie, or to one of his wealthy friends’ parties, or having lunch at Penn State together, we were at each other’s houses having wild, amazing sex.

Mostly though, our lives had consisted of classes, study, Levi’s training, and going to his games.

I was happy.

I thought we fit together.

I was studying toward my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree to become a sports physio. It was a passion. We’d even joked about me being his physio when he went pro.

And here I am.

When I saw the position with the Philadelphia Hawkes after graduating, I hesitated. Levi had already been drafted, and I knew it would be awkward if I was successful.

We couldn’t see each other.

There was no way that could happen. So, after chatting with my best friend, Stephanie, about it, she hit me with some reality.

“Hate to be the bearer of bad news, Kaylee, but Levi Montgomery is likely well over you.”


“You cheated on him,” she reminded me.

One kiss.

Which I didn’t exactly have the ability to stop at the time.

“Then dated the guy, and images of you and Colby were splashed over every social and media channel.”

It was two dates. One of them because he rang me up and said he was sorry for breaking us up and wanted to give me the cap for Dad.

I stupidly agreed and met him at a restaurant. When we walked out, the media went insane. Then... I guess I was feeling rejected, and Colby was really into me.

I’m not dead. The guy is one of the hottest players on the planet.

Levi didn’t want anything to do with me.

So I went out with him a second time and didn’t even sleep with him. The media made it sound like we were in this full-on relationship. Which was totally untrue.

After our dates, I realized I didn’t feel anything for him.

Let me tell you, the depression of losing Levi because of Colby was bad.

“Then you dated Jimmy Gage from the Chiefs.”

I held up my hand. “No, I went on one pretend date with him as a favor because that crazy ex of his was stalking him.”

“Fine, but I’m just saying you don’t have anything to worry about. Levi has moved on.” Stephanie shrugs.

I realized she was right.

“Is he dating someone?” I asked. Steph also attended Penn State, and her brother knew Drew, Levi’s close friend.

She snorts.

“Girl, seriously. He’s been drafted. You know what he thePlayerwas like at Penn State. He’ll be a thousand times worse. He’s always been more interested in the game than you.”