“He’s excited to join the team. Hopefully,” I’d replied.
“You know you’ll be competing with all the groupies, right?” His eyes ran down my body. “If you were my girl, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight.”
He usually didn’t.
But tonight he had.
And Colby was right. This was the beginning of the end.
“My dad is a huge fan,” I said, not wanting to discuss it with him.
“Yeah? You want to take him a signed cap? I have some in my bag,” he offered.
My eyes widened. “Really?”
I knew Dad would love that.
“Come on,” he said and wrapped an arm around my lower back, leading me down the hall.
That was my first wrong move.
Before I knew what was happening, Colby turned, tugged me up against him, and kissed me.
Second wrong move was me not stopping him.
My stupid drunk self just stood there, shocked, as his tongue pushed inside and devoured me. Next minute I’m against the wall and his hands are in my hair, and all I knew was that I wanted him to stop.
He did.
When I glanced away, I found Levi staring at me.
The look on his face is something I’ll never forget. The betrayal and pain.
I felt sick to my stomach and shoved at Colby to go after Levi. I desperately needed him to know it was a mistake and didn’t mean anything. I don’t even think I could say I gave him permission.
I never kissed him back.
Except Levi never gave me a chance to explain. Or apologize. The next day I tried to call him seven times. He ignored all of them. Even cutting them off after the first ring.
Which left me with only one conclusion: my prediction that he was going to call it off and wasn’t serious about our relationship was correct.
But I saw on his face that I’d hurt him.
I would’ve been heartbroken if I’d caught Levi doing the same thing, so after crying myself silly in the shower and telling my parents that we’d broken up, I stopped calling him.
“What happened?” Dad asked. “The rich boy thinks he was too good for my daughter?”
I was too ashamed to tell my father what I did.
So I just shrugged.
We’d only been dating for a few months, so nobody considered it seriously.
I guess I was the only one.
The first few weeks we’d done everything together. I slept with him on the second date, and OMG the sex! Levi was a rough lover and had taken me by surprise with his dominance, but what was even more surprising was how much I liked it.
How much I craved it.