“You can share! It wasn’t even yours a second ago.” Domi glared at her.
“Mine.” Rae turned her head to take a massive bite out of it. “Go get your own.”
They all turned to look toward the fire, which was barely visible because it was surrounded by people toasting their ownmarshmallows. Morgan must have been one of the first people to make one. And she’d managed to make two.
“How are you feeling?” Iris asked Amy. “Any better?”
“A lot better, honestly,” she replied. “I know it’s silly, but it felt really cathartic throwing that dress in the fire.”
“I don’t think that’s silly. I’ve been thinking of burning some of the stuff from when Noelle and I were friends.” Iris sighed. “I just can’t decide if I would regret it or not.”
“I don’t. But that’s also the only thing I’m burning for right now.” She kinda wanted to go burn more stuff, but she’d wait to think about it. She didn’t want to burn something that she’d regret not having later.
Granted, she couldn’t think of anything to do with Jeremy that she’d regret not having, including pictures of the two of them together, but she wasn’t going to make any hasty decisions.
“How is living with the guys?” Domi asked, chewing on the bite of s’more Rae had finally given her.
“And scening with them?” Rae grunted as Domi elbowed her in the side.
“Don’t just dive in. You gotta work your way around to that,” Domi admonished her, making Amy laugh.
“Great and great. They’re really wonderful.” Which was about all she could say without starting to gush, so she was just going to cut it off there. She didn’t want anyone to realize that she was starting to get feelings for them that went beyond the scene or being housemates.
That would just make everything even more awkward.
Her phone buzzed in her back pocket, which, thankfully, gave her a reason to look away from everyone. Were they looking at her a little oddly, or was she just being paranoid? It wasn’t like they could read her mind and know that she was getting too attached to Kincaid and Zach.
Pulling out her phone, she stared at the Caller ID, unable to believe her eyes.
“Holy shit…” Morgan breathed out the words. “Thatbitch.”
“Who?” Rae stepped forward, looking down at Amy’s screen, and even though it was upside down to her, she obviously had no trouble reading the name. “Cuntcake?! She’s calling you?”
“The audacity!” Domi was equally furious.
Suddenly, the whole backyard was buzzing with energy, even more than her phone was, as the call continued to try to get through. Everyone knew Noelle was calling her.
Amy hit the button on the side of her phone, automatically declining the call.
“Wait, you aren’t going to answer it?” Carolyn came up behind Rae, looking almost aggrieved. “Don’t you want to know what she was going to say?”
Yes. No. Amy didn’t know.
“What could she possibly say that would make anything better?”
Everyone stared at her.
“It’s not about her trying to make it better. She can’t,” Carolyn said after a long moment. “It’s about you getting to say something to her.”
“What would I say to her? Never mind, it’s a moot point—” Just as she started to say that it was a moot point since she’d already declined the call, the phone started to buzz again.
“She’s calling back?” Rae shrieked with outrage. “I’m gonna— Mmph!” Whatever she was gonna do was cut off as Domi wrapped her hand around Rae’s mouth.
“Amy gets to decide what we’re going to do— Ew! Stop licking my hand!” Domi squealed, pulling her hand away from Rae’s mouth and wiping it on Rae’s shirt.
“Ew, don’t wipe it on me!”
“If you didn’t want it wiped on you, you shouldn’t have licked me!”