“No, I’m still attracted to both men and women, so I’m bisexual.”
“But you have a boyfriend, so isn’t that basically the same as being gay?”
Zach took a deep breath.
“Okay, so I should bring up this is another part of the reason I didn’t want to tell you. Some of these questions you’re asking are kind of invasive and… well, to be perfectly honest, they’re a little ignorant. I didn’t want you asking them while Kincaid was here. I didn’t want you asking him any kind of questions like this. I was afraid he’d be scared off or insulted enough to walk away.” Damn, he really was insecure. Not just about how his parents would react, but about how Kincaid might react. “Kincaid and I are both bisexual, so we are both still attracted to women and men, though we’ve chosen to be with each other.”
“But you were flirting with Amy today. I saw you… you had her over your shoulder, and you touched her… her rear end. Were you cheating on Kincaid?” His mom looked indignant at the thought, which kind of amused Zach, considering she’d just found out that he was with Kincaid. “I didn’t raise you to be a cheater, Zach.”
“Mine and Kincaid and Amy’s relationship is complicated. She is not my girlfriend, but we do have…” Fuck. Zach looked at Brian, wondering if he had a better way to explain it without having to get into all the kinky shit. He did not want to get into the kinky shit with his parents.
Especially his dad, who was still sitting there with that blank expression on his face, giving nothing away.
“They’re both dating Amy, though they won’t call it that yet because they’re both afraid that the other one won’t be interested, but really, all three of them are basically in love and just too stupid to look at what’s right in front of their faces,” Brian said casually, as if he’d just announced that Zach liked food rather than dropping an emotional bomb.
“Wait, so, if you’re both dating Amy, is that because you’re bisexual, because you need a man and a woman?”
Zach groaned.
This was going to be a long fucking conversation.
The afternoon descended into an impromptu chick flick movie afternoon, complete with junk food. Exactly what Amy needed. Was eating her feelings healthy? Probably not, but sometimes a girl needed to do what a girl needed to do. The most amusing part of the afternoon was everyone watching Morgan eat her salad, all of them with an expression on their faces that said they were wondering if they should have ordered something with vegetables on it.
“I should go back,” Amy said finally, after the movie ended.
“Back… to Zach and Kincaid’s house? You mean like to live or to talk to them?” Sam asked. “No judgment either way, just wondering.”
“Mostly to talk to them. I have no idea how they ended things after I left, and it’s bothering me.”
“Me, too,” Rae chimed in, shrugging when Domi smacked her with a pillow. “What? I’m nosy, and neither Brian nor Mitch have been sending updates.”
“You didn’t really expect them to, did you?” Domi asked.
“Brian, no, Mitch…” Rae left her voice hanging.
Amy sat up. “Wait, what?”
Domi and Rae exchanged a glance.
“We weren’t sure if we should tell you, especially since you seem to be blaming yourself for everything,” Domi said. “Zach texted Brian that he needed to see him, and Brian sent Mitch to Kincaid.”
“Wait… so… Kincaid and Zach have been separate this whole afternoon?” Amy felt her emotions slipping back towardturmoil. “I left so they would have the privacy to talk to each other while I was gone!”
“Maybe they didn’t want privacy. Or maybe there just wasn’t much to say.” Rae gave her a sympathetic look. “Or maybe they just need some time apart to think things over. Zach needs a lot of thinking time.”
Zach did, but Kincaid didn’t. Which meant that she’d left him alone. Sure, Mitch had gone over, but…
She shouldn’t have left them totally alone. She should have stayed and tried to referee. What if Zach didn’t come back tonight? What if they broke up again? And she wasn’t there for them, either of them. She didn’t like that thought at all.
“I need to go back.”
“Mitch has it handled, I promise,” Domi said, looking at her curiously. “He won’t let Kincaid do anything stupid.” She paused. “Well… I mean, not anything too stupid. He won’t let Kincaid wreck his life or anything.”
“This better not be some kind of martyr thing,” Sam said suspiciously. “You don’t need to go over there because you think Kincaid needs to yell at someone or anything.”
“No, I need to be there because… because…” Amy took a deep breath. “Because I love them. Both of them. And even if they don’t feel the same way about me, I want to be there for them.”