Page 65 of The Man I Love

“Do you think it will work?”

“It’s moisturizing. I think it’s worth a shot.”

Sam waddled over to the machine and bent sideways to read the ingredient list: shea butter, cocoa butter, essential oils. “It says it’s organic. Do you think I should try it?”

“Sure…it’s not going to hurt anything.”

Grabbing her purse, Sam fetched out her wallet and counted out exactly eight quarters. Exactly enough. She never had change, let alone quarters. This was fate. She was sure of it.

She placed the coins into the slots one at a time, twisted the knob, and waited for the pale green tube to fall into the basin. Without hesitation, she opened the cap, rolled the lip balm to the very top, then squished it in her palms until it was paste. She smeared it onto her backside and thighs, only stopping when a waft of peppermint hit her nose. “Wait,” she said, turning the tube over to read the label:Minty fresh! Feel it working.

Pregnant and pant-less in a mini-mart bathroom, her bottom began to burn. She would have crumbled to the floor with defeat if she wasn’t worried about germs. Instead, she squeezedher eyes shut and whispered into the receiver. “Bad idea. Call Tristan. Tell him to bring me a towel.”

“I havegood news and bad news,” the doctor said an hour later as Samantha pulled the paper gown over her knees. “It’s not poison ivy. You must be having an allergic reaction to something else you’ve come into contact with.”

Her backside still burned from where the doctor had given her a shot, but not nearly as much as her pride. She couldn’t get the image of Tristan out of her mind as he stormed into the restroom to save her. He looked frightened, but also a little like Superman.

“You okay?” he’d said as he swooped her up in a towel and carried her out of the bathroom.

“Yes.” But her teeth were chattering. Out of fear, or embarrassment, she wasn’t sure.

“You should have called me,” he’d said when he set her in the truck and fastened her seatbelt. “You should have told me.”

Renee must have filled him in on the phone, and for that Samantha was eternally grateful.

“Will the shot do anything to the baby?” Sam asked, trying to keep her voice from reflecting how worried she was. She must have done a bad job, because Tristan was instantly at her side, gently squeezing her shoulder. She felt mortified that he was there, but grateful for his support at the same time. She wasn’t sure what she would have done without him. How long would she have stayed in that bathroom without pants on?

“Your baby is fine,” the doctor stated. “The steroid was a very low dose. It’s perfectly safe at this stage in your pregnancy.”

Tristan had been quiet for a long time, but now he shifted beside her.

She felt like a failure. She hadone job.To keep this baby safe and she couldn’t even manage that. The doctor cleared his throat and turned his attention to Tristan. “Did you have a question, Mr. Smiles?

Tristan met his eyes. “Yes, sir,” he said, responding to a name that wasn’t his own. “I was just wondering where the closest hotel is.”

The doctor tore a prescription from his notepad and handed it to Samantha. “I’m sending you home with an antihistamine cream. Apply it liberally to all affected areas and get some rest.” Then he turned his attention to Tristan before pivoting his gaze to the darkened window. “You’re not from around these parts, are you?”

“No, sir.”

The doctor smirked but his eyes shifted to Tristan for a second time. “The fair’s in town,” he stated.

Tristan shook his head. “We won’t be going to the fair, Sir?—”

“No, no.” The doctor laughed. “The fair is a big deal ‘round these parts. People travel hundreds of miles. You’ll be hard pressed to find a room tonight.” His drawl lost all humor.

Samantha’s heart raced, and she glanced over to Tristan. But then the doctor paused and took a business card from his back pocket. “Here. Ask for Gloria,” he said, handing the card to Tristan. “Tell her Dr. Andrasian sent you.”




Present Day

The business cardwas for a camp on the outskirts of town. Tristan called as soon as they got back to the truck and explained the situation to the owner over the phone, who immediately told them to ‘come on by.’

A winding road in the middle of nowhere led them to a ranch-style home perched at the top of a hill. The only lights came from the soft orange glow inside the house and the millions of vibrant stars scattered across the night sky, giving the impression that someone had thrown a handful of glitter onto a pitch-black canvas.