Page 64 of The Man I Love

“A little. It mostly itches.”

“Are there blisters?’

She craned to look. “Not that I can see, no.”

“Okay, whatever you do, don’t scratch. Scratching will make it spread. Where are you?”

“I’m in a gas station restroom.”

“Ohhhh Samantha…” Renee started to giggle.

“Ren, this is not the time,” she said between clenched teeth.

“Okay, okay.” Renee quickly sobered. “Have you tried putting cold water on it?”

“Water?” she asked, turning on the faucet. “Will that help?”

“I don’t know. Google says cold compresses. I’m guessing cold water would be the next best thing.”

Sam eyed the sink, wondering how in the world she would maneuver this. “Hold on a sec.” she said, placing the cellphone on the dryer where she put it on speaker. She then removed her shorts and hung those on a hook with her purse.

“Okay,” she said, glancing around the bathroom again. There were no paper towels in the restroom, and the closest thing she could find was the toilet paper dispenser that released one or two sheets at a time. Opting for the fill and splash method, she hoisted one leg to the top of the sink and turned the faucet on full blast. “I really hope this works,” she said to Renee.

With an inward breath, she filled her cupped hand full of water and splashed herself. Once, twice, and then again. She felt like a complete idiot, and hoped to God the lock was secure because she could only imagine how crazy this would look if someone walked in on her.

“How does it feel?” Renee’s voice came through the speaker.

Water ran down Sam’s thighs, soaking her white Vans, but no relief came to any part of her nether regions. “I don’t think it’s working.”

“Is the water cold enough?”

“As cold as I can get it.”

“Is the heat all the way off?

“I have no control over the temperature, Ren.”

But then Tristan’s voice came from the hall. “Everything okay?” he yelled through the door.

Sam quickly turned; eyes wide as she focused on the deadbolt.

How long had she been gone? “It’s fine!” She twisted the faucet handle. “Everything’s fine,” she said a little more calmly, but even to her own ears, she sounded panicked.

“Who’s that?” Renee’s voice came again.

Sam snatched up the phone and placed it on her ear. “Shhhh,” she whispered.

“Was that Tristan?” Renee asked, holding back laughter. “Did he come looking for you?”

“The attendant said she was worried,” Tristan said again. “You’ve been gone a long time. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Sam’s eyes glimpsed her reflection in the mirror. One leg hoisted up on the sink of the mini-mart restroom, pregnant and pant-less. “All is well!” she croaked. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

Placing her foot back on the floor, she spun around, cursing the fact that the restroom floor was completely drenched. “That didn’t work!” she whispered through clenched teeth to Renee. “Any other ideas?”

That’s when she spotted it. The vending machine against the wall. It was filled primarily with the normal bathroom necessities. Tampons, pads, condoms…but there was something else that caught her attention. “What do you think about lip balm?”

“I mean, I like it,” Renee responded.