“What else you got for me?”
I’m actually enjoying this. Viv is wound so fucking tight, and I’m fairly laid back unless either of my brothers are brought up. We’re very different people. “This will be your home for at least a year, so naturally you can have guests.”
The way she says this lets me know she’s talking about female guests in particular, but I can see her squirming, which, of course, I also enjoy. “Alright. Cool.”
She sighs, and I can tell she’s pissed I’m making her actually say it. “You can have women over, but they can’t be here in the morning when Sebastian wakes up. And you need to be in your room with the door locked.”
This time I do laugh.
“It’s not funny, Asher.”
I laugh again. “Got it. No fucking in the living room or on the stairs.”
She rolls her eyes, already tired of me. “It could scar him.”
“Or teach him mad skills.”
Again, her eyes roll. “Asher . . .”
“Okay. I got it, Viv. Look, I love the kid too. I’m not going to do anything to hurt him.”
She finally turns to look me in the eyes. “I know you do. That’s why I agreed to this, but I know you. We went to the same school, and even if I was in the class ahead of you, I heard plenty about you.”
Yeah, I was a little wilder than Colt. And I may have even been worse than Linc, but I’ve matured a little. Still, I’m no saint. “I’ll follow your rules. No problem. And believe me, you giving me an excuse to not have chicks stay the night and play house the morning after is not a deal-breaker.”
“You’re disgusting.”
But she’s smiling. She doesn’t mean it. “Can I move in now?”
She stands up, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a brass key. When I also stand, she hands it to me. “Yes. I’ll give you the tour.”
I follow her inside the massive home and let out a whistle as I lookaround the open floorplan. We start at the large foyer with a staircase heading down to the left and one heading up to the right.
I follow her up the stairs, taking the moment to notice her very nice ass that I’ve never had time to study before. Not large, but both cheeks a decent palm full, and it looks firm in those jeans.
We reach the top, and she motions with one finger to her lips for me to be quiet when we approach the first bedroom. Her voice is a whisper when she pushes the door open slightly to show me a room with dark blue walls and my nephew fast asleep on his stomach in his red racecar bed. “Baz’s room.”
I nod as she quietly closes the door and then gestures for me to follow her to the next room. It’s huge with beige walls and a large, king-sized sleigh bed with an attached master bathroom. “This is my room.”
“Nice.” I notice the tub is a jacuzzi-type with a separate glass shower and try not to picture Vivienne in here sans clothes. She’s usually hiding behind high necklines and jeans or pants. It’s hard to imagine what she looks like naked. Still, I’m a guy, and my mind goes there.
I follow her through the rest of the top floor, which has a room with a desk and futon and another room full of Sebastian’s toys, before we head down to the main level.
The kitchen, laundry room, and living room are all pretty standard, although on a large scale that rival the home I grew up in. The kitchen has double doors leading out to a covered patio area and a large underground pool. “We have to really watch Sebastian out here. I’m looking into getting a gate around the pool.”
“The doors lock heading out, right?”
She nods. “Yes. There’s a deadbolt.”
“Then the biggest problem is just watching him when we bring him out, which we will.” She nods, and I can tell she’s afraid to be solely responsible for this kid, but I’m here. “It’ll be fine.”
She nods. “Okay, let’s go down to the basement.”
I follow her inside and then down the stairs. I let out another whistle when we walk down into the basement which has several doors, a pool table and bar area. “Damn, your dad went all out.”
“You have no idea.” She seems slightly annoyed as I follow her to the first door that has a code lock. I watch her push the buttons as she states it out loud. “Three-Five-Seven-Two.”
She pushes the door open, and I stand in the doorway in awe. “No fucking way.”