Page 2 of Restrictions

Sebastian pushes his mom’s hands away just as Linc and Penelope walk into the house. Linc is dressed exactly like me, and Penelope wears a pink bridesmaid dress. They join us, giving Baz a quick hug and a present.

Nice touch, assholes. They haven’t seen him in months but give him a toy and all’s good.

To be fair, they do live across the country in California in the same town as Lola. I’m the poor bastard left behind.

Used to it.

Linc stands up from giving our nephew the present that’s now being ripped into and holds his hand out for me. I’m not a total dick, so I shake his hand. “Ash, good to see you.”

I nod curtly, not exactly glad to see him but notnotglad either.

My relationship with Linc is strained. “Hi, Asher. You look nice.” And it’s because of her.

“Good to see you too, Penelope.” She’s wearing a bright smile and looks genuinely happy, which honestly, I haven’t seen since we were kids.

Since Linc and our other brother, Colt, brought her home.

“Whoa! Awesome!” I smile down at Sebastian when he pulls the toydinosaur from its package and laughs as he pushes a button, playing the sound.

That fucking laugh.

It’s exactly like his father’s, and I can see Penelope and Linc process the exact same thought.

“Thank you both.” Vivienne smiles, but I can see her entire body has tensed since they arrived.

You see, Sebastian was conceived when Colt was dating Penelope. Not Linc.

Fucked. Up.

“You’re so welcome. I hope it’s not too noisy.” Penelope pushes her dark hair behind her ear, and Vivienne brushes it off politely.

“No. Not at all.”

“Well, see you out there.” Linc looks out the back patio door. “Hopefully, the storm will hold off.”

“Probably won’t,” I say dryly as they both wave goodbye and exit out to the backyard of the lake house.”

“Maybe he’s too young for this.”

I turn to Viv and see she’s back to worrying about shit. “He’s three. Fully potty-trained and can say his ABC’s. He can walk down an aisle, sprinkling rose petals.”

She ignores my own condescending tone and dips down to his level. “You go right to Uncle Ash, okay? You’ll be fine. Mommy will be right in the front row watching.”

“He’s got this.” I hold my hand down for him to slap with a high five.”

“I do.” He slaps my hand, happily adjusting his bow tie with his pudgy little hand and holding the toy dinosaur in his other hand.

“You look handsome.” I wink.

He nods. “I know.”

Vivienne brushes something from his cheek. “Sebastian, you’re supposed to say thank you when someone tells you you’re handsome.”

“Why? Iamhandsome.” He’s irritated and tilts his head to the left, and I laugh.

“Kid’s got a point. Why should he thank me for stating facts?”

Vivienne takes a deep breath and stands up, her eyes focused on me. “Don’t encourage bad behavior.”