“Yeah I’m fine.” She increases her speed, and her arms move at her sides.
“Viv . . .” I know something’s up.
“My mom called today. My father and she are coming over tonight for dinner.”
So that’s why she’s tense. I’ve only been around them a couple of times, but they don’t seem too bad. Still, I know enough to know they put Viv on edge. “Okay. Cool.”
She shakes her head, increasing the speed again. “They’re coming to check on me. To make sure I can actually handle this.”
I don’t get it. Vivienne is every parent’s dream. I mean, besides the whole getting knocked-up in high school thing, but shit happens. She still graduated on time, and she’s a kickass mom. “Well, you can. So you have nothing to worry about.”
She shakes her head from side to side as she runs. “No, you don’t get it. They’ll find every single flaw. It’s what they do.”
“Sebastian is happy. The house is still here and hasn’t burned to the ground. What could they find?”
I watch her sigh and see how stressed she already is. “They’ll find something. My parents are nothing like Nora.”
“Theylove you. I mean, they helped with Sebastian since birth and bought you this kickass house.”
She turns the treadmill off but doesn’t move, her arms dangling at her sides. “They did that to save face. All of it is about their reputation. You should have heard them when I told them I was pregnant.”
I don’t imagine that conversation would ever go well. “I’m sure they were just surprised.”
She turns to me. “I ruined their stellar reputation. My parents have spent years earning the trust of their clients. People trust them, and that’s why they invest with them.” She sighs and walks off the treadmill, grabbing her towel again. “I let them down in every way, and they never let me forget it.”
I’m hoping this is all in her head. “There’s no way you’re a disappointment, Viv.”
“I have to go shower, and then I need to clean.”
“The house is spotless.”
She shakes her head, grabbing her water bottle and wrapping the towel around her neck. “Not even close. Baz’s toys are everywhere. And then I need to get him a haircut and should probably get one myself.”
Yeah, she’s a goner, already making lists in her head. “They know a kid lives here. Everything will be fine.”
She waves me off as she walks out of the room, her mind going over everything that can go wrong.
Damn, can’t fucking wait for dinner.
Okay, the house is spotless. It’s all going to be fine.I look around the living room to confirm that not one toy has been left out and then walk into the kitchen. Nothing is out on the counters. They’re wiped clean. All the dishes are put away.
I open the refrigerator and check to make sure everything is in place and there are no spills because I know my mother will check.
Satisfied, I close the door and fly up the stairs to Baz’s room, which is also clean and tidy. I go into my room, doing another once-over and stop to look in the full-length mirror.
I smooth my khaki dress pants and then fasten the top button of my button-down blouse before using my hands to make sure there are no flyaways in my hair.
I apply lip gloss and then walk down to the bottom floor to make sure everything is clean there as well.
The gym looks good, and so does the theater. I walk down the hall to Asher’s room and smile from the doorway when I see him running a comb through Sebastian’s hair.
“You’re so good with him.” Asher turns his head slightly to look at me. “He rarely lets me comb his hair without a fight.”
Asher shrugs his shoulders as he stands from the bed and walks to me with smug confidence. “I bribed him.”