Page 107 of Restrictions

I scoff, running my hand through my hair and laugh at him. “Bull. Shit. You want a piece. That’s all you’ve ever wanted. Since you found out I fucked her, you wanted a taste, and that’s all this is. If you get it, you’ll be bored.”

“Like you?”

“Fuck you.” We’re inches apart now, glaring at each other like rabid dogs waiting to attack.

“I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“Bullshit. You planned this. It’s your game. You want the fucking thrill, and you’re going to use her to get it.”

I know him well. Viv thinks she’s a thrill chaser,... she has no fucking clue. Sawyer is an adrenaline junkie. He loves to push the limits and fuck shit up. It’s what he does.

And he’ll do it with her heart.

“I won’t hurt her.”

“Then stay away from her.”

“A bit hypocritical, isn’t it, Ash?” He drags his hand over his chin, and my fist clenches at my side. “You didn’t.”

“I’m not you.”

“You’re right.” He chest puffs out, and his muscles flex. And I'm pissed that he’s not backing down but not surprised. “I’m not a fucking coward. I know what I'm getting into, and I'm not afraid. You’ve been scared of fucking everything since Colt died.”

“Don’t.” It’s a vicious growl through clenched teeth, but he doesn’t even flinch.

“It’s true, and we both fucking know it. Maybe even before. So afraid of being like Linc. Wanting to be like him but feeling like you’ll turn into your father.”

I grip the collar of his polo shirt. “Shut the fuck up before I rearrange your pretty boy face.”

“Do it. Give me a fucking reason, and I'll return the fucking favor.”

He wants me to hit him. I recognize the desire to feel the pain, and I shake my head, releasing his collar. “She’ll never really fall for your shit.”

“She sure fell into that kiss last night.”

My jaw ticks, thinking about his lips on hers. My voice is low and angry. “Yeah?” I edge closer. “You think it had any impact on her? Because it wasn’t you in her bed last night.”

“You motherfucker.” He’s spitting mad, and I feel the rush of satisfaction at him knowing that I fucked her last night and not him.

“She’ll always compare you to me.”

“Not when I fuck you out of her.”

There’s that nauseous feeling again. “Don’t touch her. You’ll only hurt her.”

“You already did. I don’t want to hurt her. I want to fucking heal her.” I hate his fucking words, and I don’t believe him for a second.

“You are not a healer, Sawyer. You’re a destroyer. Like. Me.”

I see it in his eyes. The uncertainty. Because he knows the truth as much as I do.

He’ll only bring her pain.



Ihaven’t seen Sawyer for a few days, and Asher has been completely avoiding me. Lola went back to California, and Nora is leaving tomorrow.