Page 102 of Restrictions

I nod and laugh nervously, trying to tuck my unruly hair behind my ear. “Yeah.”

Her eyes fall on my neck. “Whoa. Very late night.”

I instantly cover my neck, remembering Asher’s mouth and teeth there last night. He for sure left a mark. “Uh, yeah.”

“Are you okay?” She holds up both hands, her face so kind. “No judgment.”

And I know she means that. “I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting you. In Kansas.”

She laughs. “Asher didn’t tell you? I’m here to help mom and Tony pack.”

That’s right. Nora and Tony bought a beach house in California. They’re moving there. I was slightly devastated when Nora told me at Christmas, but she assures she will be back here as often as she can to see Baz. “That’s right, Nora told me.”

Asher didn’t say a word as he was thrusting into me over and over again.

My cheeks flush as my thoughts run dirty, and Lola eyes me with curiosity. “Can I come in?”

“Oh, of course.” I move out of the way, allowing her to step in. And as she does, Asher hits the top step, wearing only black sweats with his hair still a mess from my fingers.

“Hey, sis. What are you doing here?”

“I told you I was coming over today.” She walks to him. And I feel like I might die when I notice a very prominent bite mark on his shoulder.

Why can’t he ever wear a shirt?

“Wow. You got some action last night too, huh?”

Asher’s slick smile is menacing as he looks over at me, not even trying to hide it, and my eyes close tightly as I try to convince myself not to murder him.

Lola’s eyes follow his, and it clicks in her head, and her eyes roll. “Oh.”

“We all make really stupid mistakes in our lives, right?” I’m talking to Lola, but my eyes are on Asher.

Whose eyes roll at my statement, and he walks toward the kitchen. “Who needs coffee?”

We both follow, and again the sickening embarrassment heats my face when I see claw marks down his muscled back as I walk with his sister behind him.

Bless Lola, she doesn’t say a word as we all grab cups of coffee and sit at the kitchen table.

“So last night was a mistake, huh?”

But she does love to face things head-on.


Asher’s eyebrow kicks up, and I want to slap him again. As I shake my head, having to warn him not to make a dick joke around his sister.

“Fucking massive.” He says it with a smirk into his coffee cup.


“Um, okay.” Lola nervously brushes her bangs out of her eyes and takes a drink of her coffee. “So, I don’t even know what to say.” She laughs as she places her mug down.

“Nothing to say, sis. Yesterday was kind of a weird day here.” Asher’s eyes don’t meet mine, but I can hear the low growling tone of his voice matching last night. “Viv here went out on a date with Sawyer, then came home and fucked me.”

Lola’s eyes meet mine. “Sawyer. As in Sawyer?”

“I . . .” Feel horrible.