Page 30 of Spiritwarrior

“People aren’t exactly rushing in like they missed it being open.”

“They’re skittish. They’ll slowly come back, and when they do, they’ll stay loyal customers.”

As they talked, they heard the bell ring.

“I should check and see if I have a customer.” She started for the door.

“Don’t worry. If someone came in, Jody would have told you.”

As Sophie showed her the food supply she’d purchased, Ginny took out her cell phone to write a list of the items they would need to prepare the dishes she wanted to teach her. When they were done, Ginny texted her the list.

Sophie stared at it in dismay. “Can we just start with a couple of the dishes? I’m afraid I don’t have enough money to purchase all of them.”

“Let me worry about that. It’s not like you can get away to do any shopping. I’ll send Jody to buy what we need. You can pay me back when the restaurant is making more money.”

Sophie shook her head. “Thank you, but I can’t accept that kind of help. Besides, Jody might have plans for the rest of the day. I’ll go to the store after I close.”

“Jody won’t mind. He’s off today.”

“I’m sure he’d rather be spending time with his new girlfriend.”

Ginny seemed confused. “What new girlfriend? He’s never had a girlfriend.”

Had she unintentionally told Ginny a secret Jody hadn’t wanted to share?

“I must be mistaken.”

Ginny nodded, her frown clearing. “You must be. Jody is waiting for his soul mate. He’s never even been on a date, as far as I know.”

Sophie could only stare at her. Poor woman was disillusioned where Jody was concerned.

“Soul mate?”

“Oh, yes, all my brothers are waiting for theirs. Well, except for Matthew—he found his,” Ginny explained.

“Really?” It was everything Sophie could do not to laugh.

Ginny must have read the laughter in her eyes, though. “You don’t believe me?”

“Jody told you that?”

“All my brothers know they have soul mates.”

“Are they faithful to their soul mates?”

Ginny grimaced. “I’m not making excuses—I don’t want you to think I am—buta few of my brothers may have the philosophy that, until they actually meet their soul mates, it’s not really cheating.”

“Isn’t that convenient?”

Ginny winced at her sarcastic tone. “Silas and I warned them that their soul mates won’t see it the same way. You have to understand that, to them, they’ve known about their soul mates since they were children. It’s like being promised to go on a magical trip to this magical place and having to wait. After so long, they get tired of waiting, and they take small excursions to different places.”

“I see.” She didn’t, yet she didn’t want to hurt Ginny’s feelings by telling her one of her brothers—from what she could tell—hadn’t gone on small excursions. He made regular trips.

“Do you believe in soul mates?”

Sophie had to think about it for a minute. Did she believe in soul mates?

“I think couples can be deeply in love enough to believe they’re soul mates. Do I personally believe they are? No. No one knows who their soul mate can really be. Does that mean every woman or man they’ve been with is their soul mate, and then, when the relationship ends, they say I guess they weren’t their soul mate? It gives them an excuse to give up on a relationship.”