HER LUNGS WERE ON FIRE, but not once did she even think to stop running. The devil taunted her with images of Giancarlo dying because of her, but Sarica shoved away every silly thought as soon as it attempted to take root.
Get. Behind. Me. Satan.
A familiar sight in a darkened alley caught her eye, and Sarica skidded to a halt.
And evenLorenzo?
Relief thundered through her even as she charged toward them. Individually, the Marchettis were nearly unstoppable in any kind of fight. But when the brothers fought together as one in accordance to His will? They were undefeatable, and—-oomph.
Sarica collided with something solid, but she was already lifting her knee up even as she fought to regain her balance. Fingersgripped her arm while one strong hand pushed her knee back down with firm gentleness before it could do any damage.
"It's me, Sarica."
Her head jerked up, her heart in her throat.
It really was him, and he looked absolutely terrible.
Oh God.
This was all her fault.Her fault.And it was while Sarica was struggling to come into term with her guilt that Giancarlo suddenly went crashing down, and her lips parted in silent horror.
For one terrifying moment, Sarica could only look around them wildly, wondering who it was that had shot him from behind—-
No, God, please.
—-until she realized Giancarlo was simply down on one knee, and he was holding out his signet ring.
To her.
Was he seriously proposing to her while his brothers were still fighting off the bounty hunters that she had accidentally forgotten to call off?
It wasn't hard at all to understand what he was telling her without words, and it was just so like the Giancarlo she knew,loved, and sometimes wanted to strangle. Just so like him to propose marriage amidst danger, and all so he could prove to Sarica and hisfamigliathat he finally understood what all of them had prayed he would remember.
Heno longerhad to be in control.
Henever hadto.
Because henever wasin control.
God was the one who had been keeping them safe all this time, and it was the only reason why - even though they were the first and onlyfamigliato completely turn their back on crime and embrace a life that upheld righteousness and mercy - the Marchettis remained in power, undefeated and unrivaled.
But even so.
"You—-"Words failed her completely. Sarica was overcome with the urge to simultaneously laugh, cry, and crush a pair of a certain gentleman's balls with the way Giancarlo's eyes were now gleaming up at her in amusement.