"You were a good man once." Giancarlo's tone was more weary than furious. "So what went wrong?"

A humorless smile twisted over Viktor's lips. "The thing about sin? It starts with good intentions."

And because Giancarlo had known the other man his entire life, it was painfully easy for him to deduce what Viktor was referring to.

"Someone found out about your half-sisters."

"You understand then...why I had to do what I did."

"You should've come to me," Giancarlo exploded.

"I didn't want you involved—-"

"But you saw nothing wrong in having me murdered?"

"That's another thing about sin that you only learn when it's too late," Viktor said tonelessly. "You start with little half-truths that you use to convince yourself you're doing nothing wrong. You tell yourself there's a line you won't cross. But that line keeps moving until the next you know, there's no way out."

Giancarlo searched his heart for any sign of bitterness or anger. But all he felt was the weight of remorse. It didn't have to be this way, and they both knew it. All Viktor had to do was ask forHishelp. And everything would've changed. But now it was too late to simply forgive and forget...since so many other lives had been lost and ruined.

"You know what your choices are," Giancarlo said grimly. "And regardless of what your choice may be...I'll take care of your sisters."

"Their lives would have been better off if they had you as a brother instead of me."

Giancarlo shook his head. "You know that's not—-"

"We both know I was never honorable like you," Viktor gritted out. "I only pretended to be because I wanted to stay as your friend.This—-" Viktor's lip curled with self-contempt. "This is the real me, Giancarlo. Sarica's like a fucking sister to me, but all I could think about was hurting her to hurt you. I just took one look at you, and I hated you for always having the balls to do what's good. I blamed you for how my life turned out even when you had nothing to do with my choices."

Viktor's gaze fell on the small vial on the table.

"I fucked up. And fucked up other people's lives as well. And I'm feeling surprisingly relieved that I have no choice but to pay for it now."

Viktor had already made his move before he had even finished speaking. He had drunk the entire vial in one go, and with this, he had made his choice.

Giancarlo slowly rose to his feet. Viktor was now slumped in his chair, unconscious. The next time he woke up, he wouldnotbe behind bars. Instead, as his choice indicated, he would find himself without any memories of his old life...and on a remote island whose population of deadly beasts was no accident.

Giancarlo left the room without conscious direction, his mind tormented by his childhood days with Viktor and what couldhave been...if the other man had simply gotten past his pride to ask for help. By the time his steps came to a halt, it was only then that Giancarlo realized how his subconscious had taken him back to Sarica's suite. He considered knocking but changed his mind at the last second. But just as he was about to turn away, the door opened, and Giancarlo found himself staring straight into Sarica's eyes.

She had changed out of her clothes from earlier and looked fresh out of the shower. And even though she had almost lost her life, Giancarlo couldn't remember seeing her more beautiful, courageous, and at peace...despite the sadness in her eyes.

"May I come in?" he heard himself ask.

She nodded and stepped back, and Giancarlo closed the door behind him. But when he turned to face her again, it seemed as if she already knew why he had come.

"You've come to say goodbye...haven't you?"

Her voice was quiet and strained.

Giancarlo's jaw clenched. "You know I have to—-"

"Don't lie," Sarica rejected fiercely. "Just don't. No one is forcing you to leave. No one is asking you to. No onewantsyou to—-"

"I can't be the head of ourfamiglia—-"

"Because of your limp?" Sarica challenged tremulously.


"Can you hear yourself, Giancarlo? Can you, really? Wouldn't that also mean we only wanted you as our leader because you can walk a straight line—-"