But as much as she appreciated Giancarlo's warning—-
The money he'd given her didn't go toward a new life in some distant paradise. Instead, it bought Justina training. Weapons. Information.
In a country where criminal families held more power than the government, everything was for sale—including the skills she needed to ensure she would never be a victim again.
In Moskra, she forged for herself a new identity, and the old Justina was buried permanently in the past. The girl who used to work in a salon was gone and never to be seen again. In her place was a faceless spy who now used scissors for cutting body parts other than hair. And one whose loyalty only belonged to the highest bidder.
The jobs she accepted might seem random to most. But in truth, every job she completed also gave her a new clue about the people she was after. Every day was either an opportunity to learn something new—-or apply what she learned with bloody efficiency. And at night, she found it strangely entertaining and relaxing at the same time to read about people's reactions to the documentary that had made her name - once upon a time - trend higher than all the juiciest scandals from Hollywood.
When news of Giancarlo's disappearance reached Justina years later, she had wasted no time in heading to the crash site and barely managed to beat Viktor Biancardi's men in finding him. She owed Giancarlo Marchetti everything, and if she had to die protecting him so be it.
Whatever he needed, she would make it happen, and with Giancarlo's fall from a cliff leaving him severely injured and comatose—-
"I'd like to speak to Sheikh Nassif Al-Mansouri, please. I'd like to collect a debt on my friend's behalf."
JUSTINA REALIZED SHEhad lost herself in the past once more and forced her thoughts back to the present with some effort. Giancarlo was the one talking this time, his voice stiff, his accent stronger than usual.
As expected, Justina thought, since Giancarlo was now explaining to his former fiancée the reason behind their marriage.
"Justina's network of contacts will never work with me in uncovering who was pulling Viktor's strings from the shadows. All of them were too well aware of my reputation. They would never trust me even if I were to tell them I was willing to break the rules to get what I wanted. But if, on the other hand, the two of us were to marry..."
"She would becomefamiglia," Sarica finished for him in a strained voice. "And of course everyone knows the lengths you would go to protect the people you consider your responsibility."
Sarica gnawed on her lip. "May I ask one more thing?"
Giancarlo nodded.
"How bad were your injuries?"
Sarica's question was all Justina had to hear to know the truth between the two. Sarica's mind had to be reeling from the extent to which Giancarlo had deceived her. But instead of lashing out...all the girl cared about was Giancarlo's injuries.
It almost made Justina feel bad about what she intended to do next.
Almostbeing the operative word, but because Justina no longer had any softness left inside of her—-
"May I have a moment with my husband?" She waited until Sarica turned to her before placing her hand over Giancarlo's in a casual claim of possession.
"O-Of c-course."
Sarica's stammer had Giancarlo stiffening next to Justina, and she squeezed his hand in warning.
Let this play out.
She turned to him, her gaze meeting his unflinchingly.
Or I'm going to make you regret it.
Sarica was now on her feet, but she was unable to look at either of them as she spoke in a rush. "I should...I, um, I actually have somewhere to go. And I t-think we discussed everything we had to."
Justina waited for Sarica to turn away before speaking again.
"I don't understand, Giancarlo."
And of course, she made sure that Sarica was still near enough to hear her every word.