Because Viktor's blade had already slid between her ribs.


Her name on his lips was the sound of agony and despair, and oh, how she wished she had the time to tell him it was okay.

It was completely okay because this was what she wanted.

What she had trained and sweated blood and tears for.

This was what she had prayed for.

It's alright, my love.

Because she had shifted just as Viktor stabbed her, and while the pain was vicious and immediate, the knife had also missed anything vital.

We're going to be okay.

All Viktor wanted was to kill her and hurt Giancarlo one last time before he was made to pay for his crimes.

But that was where he miscalculated.

Because as soon as Viktor pulled back, Sarica also made her move.

Just one moment to pull the knife out of her side.

And another moment to return the favor.

Viktor's stunned eyes clashed with his as he stumbled back and lost his balance.


Dauphin's lessons had come in very handy, and Viktor was now pinned on the floor under Sarica, both of them bleeding but neither in danger of dying.

In the incident report the police would submit later on, Sarica had only one thing to say when describing the altercation that could've easily resulted in multiple deaths.

I know all of it happened in mere seconds.

But at the same time, it was as if everything was happening in slow motion.

I didn't feel scared at all.

Because of Him.

Chapter Twelve

As with all things in the kingdom of Kivr, luxury met lethality in the Department of Defense's interrogation room. Marble walls and floors, steel-legged chairs with built-in shackles, and metal doors with automated retina-scanning locks.

On one side of the table was Viktor, his knife wound now expertly bandaged, his clothes still bloodstained. And seated across him was Giancarlo, whose dark good looks were still the perfect foil for Viktor's angelic blondness.

One of the department officials came in to ask for Viktor's written confession, and it was as if Giancarlo was looking at a complete stranger as he read some of the things Viktor was writing. He could never have imagined that someone he considered his closest friend was capable of such vileness. And an equally painful pill to swallow was how he had been completely unaware of such things happening.

The department official presented another document, which required Viktor to identify all the other individuals involved in the human trafficking ring he had been a part of. The other man did so without question, and it was only when they were alone again that Viktor finally looked up to meet Giancarlo's gaze.

"I'm sorry it came to this."

Viktor's words made it seem as if he was only guilty of tripping Giancarlo up instead of arranging for his murder. But for somereason, Giancarlo knew his friend's apology - albeit inadequately worded - was sincere.

But even so.