I grind my teeth.
“I know something’s happened to her.”
“Maybe. But Laina is a photojournalist, and a damn nosy one at that. She’s probably stuck herself in a spot that was risky and maybe she’s in trouble, or not. I don’t know, but I cannot charge into the Hellfire headquarters because my suspended employee has a bad feeling.”
His words hit me like a sledgehammer to the chest.
“Fine. I get it. You don’t want to help.”
“I never said that, and you know damn well there’s protocol involved. But this is too much to ask. If you’re that worried,” he sighs. “Let’s just say. I won’t try and stop you, alright?”
I curl my fingers around the files.
“This is bullshit.”
“I know. But until I have something concrete, I can’t jeopardize the department or my badge for a hunch. You know how it works.”
He slides into the driver seat of his car, shutting the door and revving his engine.
“Listen, Izzy. Go take a look, okay, and if you happen to find anything, call me. You got that? Otherwise, I’ve got nothing else for you.”
“At least take the files!”
“Alright. Hand them to me,” he says, reaching an open palm. I slide the manilla envelope into a wide grip. He sets them gently down on his passenger seat and gives me a tight smile.
“Don’t do anything too stupid, okay, Izzy. I want you back on the force when you’re ready.”
“Sure thing, boss.” I don’t watch his fancy car peel out of the parking lot. If Laina’s wrong about this then she might have risked her life for a dead end. I push the thought away.
A sinking feeling settles in my gut. I think stupid might be the only option I have left here, and I’m completely on my own with this one.
When I make it back home, I stare at my closet.
Maybe Laina really is just off doing her own thing like Reynolds suggested. But I doubt it. She would’ve at least texted me to let me know she’d be unreachable for a few days.
“Well, Laina…I guess I’m just going to have to find out for myself,” I mutter, sorting through different shirts I have buried in the back of my closet. Well, I can’t just rush into theclubhouse, demanding someone tell me where Laina is being kept. I’ll have to play this smart and am going to need clearance.
What would Laina do?
She’d probably be able to seduce her way. I know how these men are with their women. It’s a game of property. God.
I pull out a pair of short jeans she’d given me last year.
Black, thigh-high boots,
Gotta look the part.
And a tight, black shirt that hugs my breasts. I add some makeup, curling my long hair.
Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I don’t even recognize myself.
I hope this works.
Reynolds basically suggested I go poke around and find something. I’m not sure this is what he meant, but I have to know what my advantages are, play at their level and the game these guys I understand.
If I have to suck a dick or something, so be it. Why am I worried that I’m out of practice? I start aimlessly pacing in the entrance to my home, shaking the worry.
I work through some bull shit reason for being there, settling on being a runaway ex of their current rival gang. I’m seeking protection. My heart hammers in my chest.