Page 62 of Shark Bait

Tatiana holds the office door for us, but before I go in, I ask, “Why do I get the feeling we don’t have an appointment?”

“We don’t,” Val confirms, looking sheepish. “But I had to stall the wedding somehow, and this was the only thing I could think of.” She turns toward Tatiana. “Please help us out.”

Tatiana smiles…like a grinch. “Offer me a weekend at your place in Monaco, and I’ll hold off Alessio for hours.”

“You have it,” Val says.

“Well then, I hope you have a great time.” I’m learning how the wealthy wheel and deal. Nothing comes free. They trade in money, leisure, time, or favors.

As we walk into the office, I ask Val about her ultrasound.

Her expression is unreadable, and I hope it’s okay that I asked about it.

“I’ll show you the images later.” She sighs. “I’m having twins.”

“Oh, Val, I’m so happy for you.”

I get a side-eye that tells me we’re not as happy as I think we are. “Oh, I see. That’s not exciting.”

“It’s…exciting, but also, I’m terrified, and with the father not in the picture, Alessio will take over the care, which will send him into hypervigilant madness. I don’t even know if I’ll tell him I’m having twins until they’re born.”

“You don’t have to tell him,” I suggest.

“Thanks, Troy.”

“Welcome. I’m happy to support what you decide. You stuck up for me and are taking me to the doctor.”

In the back of the office, Tatiana gives me a physical while chatting with me. I get the impression the lady knows Miro well, and because she knows him, she doesn’t ask me many questions. Her questions are more about my health and how I feel. She offers us candy and juice, and I feel like I’m talking with my grandmother rather than a physician.

Since Valerina is here, I’m at ease and so glad I’m not alone since I’ve never had an ultrasound before.

Tatiana gives me a bottle of prenatal supplements that women are supposed to take early in the pregnancy. I gather that since Valerina gets a bottle too. Now I’m paranoid my baby won’t come out healthy because I didn’t take the prenatal pills; then I recall the powder one of Fis’s men made me snort during the few times Fis passed out and I was caught alone in the kitchen while trying to sneak some food. With that memory comes other ones too.

Namely, how I drank a glass of whiskey a few times, hoping the liquor would help me summon the courage to steal Fis’s phone and call my family. Spoiler alert: I never summoned anything besides a headache the next day. Needless to say, in a matter of half an hour, I’m wrapped in a blanket, rocking in the corner of the office. Tatiana closed the door and turned off the light before she and Valerina left me alone.

I’m trying hard not to spiral further down this dark hole when an elderly man dressed in the most ridiculous green shirt and brown pants with suspenders enters the room. He flips thick glasses with a plastic red frame from the top of his receding blond hair.

“Hi there.” His kind smile reminds me of an older comedian my parents like watching. Robin Williams, I think was the name.

“Hi.” I sit up and finger-comb my hair. “Are you my one-way ticket to the psych ward?”


“We should get going then, huh?”

“I was thinking we could get you in for an ultrasound before we board the crazy train?”

“Nah, I’m good with boarding now.”

He chuckles. “Do you mind if I sit down?”

“It’s not my space,” I tell him.

He sits in the visitor’s chair. “I’m Doctor Paul Gruber. I specialize in trauma.”

“Are you German?” His accent’s thick.
