“I couldn’t have been helpful, because the prince of Regha invoked Silence, which, as you know, limits my tech capabilities.”
“Are you going to be helpful now?”
“Indeed. I’d like you to stage something grand and worthy of immediate communication with their king. This will prompt Mike to come out of hiding and set up a com line. I’ll track the communication.”
Seer laughs. “In your dreams, Dreikx, will I follow your orders and lie on the beach tanning, waiting for you to give me the go-ahead.”
“In my dreams, dear, you actually kill their king.”
The line goes quiet. “I can taste his blood in my mouth.”
“I have no doubt you do. Mike will tell us everything. You will go directly to the king and kill as many Swarm as you want. You will reduce the risk of death for your males tenfold.”
“What if Mike’s dead?”
“I believe he’s alive.”
“A strategic decision. He’s an asset of their king. Only an idiot would kill a Telean asset.”
Seer laughs. “I can give you a live Swarm male.”
I sigh. When Seer gets moving on a target, he’s unstoppable. “Actually, I need a live Swarm male with the brain intact.”
“Just the brain?”
“Yes, you may cripple him otherwise.”
“I like this plan.”
“It has been carefully tailored to best fit your charming personality.”
“Awww, thank you, baby.”
Before Sotay killed him while rescuing Leah, the captured Swarm male spoke clearly and eloquently, the highest-functioning speech I’ve come across since this new breed has been introduced into our midst. I was interested in that male. In the com calls I’ve listened to, he made clear decisions, which meant the then-thinking part of his brain was active. Where there is consciousness, there is subconsciousness, and I need access to a male with a subconscious, something I haven’t discovered in the one Swarm male Raven spared for me. I’m curious in the same way my captors, namely the former vice president, was curious about me. I don’t begrudge curiosity. Though I also didn’t mind hearing Sidone finally got her revenge.
Chapter 4
The view from the window in my “hobby room” shows the sea. Although, the water is blue, unlike the Red Sea of Regha, the waves are just as massive. Several humans pop up from under the waves. They wear tight dark suits much like Husband’s and appear to be gliding over the surf. I’m unsure if I’ll call him Husband or Alpha. Probably both.
An air vehicle with a spinning fan at the top obstructs my view. Nailed to the wall, the human time machine on my left reads three in the afternoon.
Husband said he would return at ten sharp, and I believe him. He seems…orderly and precise. Besides, his air transport is a smooth round black object. This irregular and awkward flying thing must be the human air transport. When the vehicle draws closer, pointing its nose directly at the house, I step away from the window, though “window” is a relative term since the house is made of windows, completely surrounded by glass.
“Detecting accelerated heart rate,” comes from somewhere in the house. “Alarm system on standby.”
I don’t know what that means, but the heart rate must be mine.
The house continues, “Warning. Unidentified flying object approaching. Identify the life-forms.”
“Who? Me?”
“Yes,” comes from the speakers.