“In fact, many should be thankful they’re still breathing after they tried to dishonor my son.”
I step back, only then realizing I haven’t tied my robe. My belly sticks out. The king holds me immobile with his pitch-black stare as I fumble with the ties around the robe. Where are the damn things? I tap my sides.
The king bends and hands me the pink tie that slipped out. I take it and tie it around me, but my belly pokes out, spreading open the view of my pussy. Why is it that I always fuck up the first impression?
“You don’t have enough hands to cover all your assets.” His eyes stay firmly locked with mine.
I believe he paid me a compliment. “Thank you.”
“Welcome. Return to your nesting space and dress. Something worthy of a queen.”
I gape.
“Was I unclear?”
I shuffle into the back and pull out the nicest dress that fits me. A little flowery dress Raven brought for me. Stepping out of our sleeping partition, I find the king waiting for me.
“Shall we?” He extends a hand.
I take it. He grips mine firmly and leads me outside, where the entire Horde stands at attention. Even the hounds sit and wait. The king lifts my arm and taps it with his other hand. At the top of the hill, a single rider stops. The Horde erupts into cheers. He prances the hound to the left, then the right, and when the Horde unit joins him, they race down to the camp.
Raven’s back.
I smile wide, wiggle my toes, squeeze the king’s hand.
He squeezes back. “You worried about him.”
“I did.”
“Save your worries for another. This is my son.” The king juts his jaw. “Undefeated.”
Raven dismounts and heads straight for me. Briefly, he nods at the king, then picks me up, twirling me around. His hair isn’t braided, his eyes are wild, and he’s covered in blood.Don’t think about the blood. Don’t think about it.
“I missed you,” he says and puts me down.
“I missed you too.” Because I’m pregnant, I just want to sob. I rein it in, though. Raven stands next to me, and we watch the Horde unit on hounds ride through the camp. The Horde rattle as one, the creepy song that reminds me of a swarm of bees approaching. Junior walks through the ranks, a rope tied around his chest. It is only as the hound passes me, heading for the pole near my tent, that I see him. The imposter male. The one who tried to kill me is tied to the other end of the rope. His armor plates are nearly all peeled off, but he is alive, whining at the pain.
Raven bounds over and releases the male from the rope. The king joins him, and together they strap the male onto the pole.
I stand beneath it. “You’ll wish you never fucked with my family.”
Raven chuckles. “Omega,” he says. It’s a formal address, so he’s doing it for the Horde.
“Yes, my prince.”
“You will feed him well, no?”
The Horde laughs.
I know what he means. I will bring food and water for the male who will never eat again. Some girls get diamonds and boxes of chocolate. I get the people my prince punishes for trying to hurt me. “Certainly,” I say and follow him inside the tent where the king sits on the desk, seemingly waiting for us.
Red armor erect and bloody, Raven grabs my hand, and we stand before the king.Okaaaay.The males glare at each other, and Raven’s aggressive stance, along with the firm grip on my hand tell me something’s about to go down. Here I thought they’re gonna celebrate the capture, and I’m gonna pack and go home.
“No,” Raven says.
The king shakes his head. “Domins’s son is at large. Until he submits or dies... I’ve made my decision.”
“I’m not parting from her.”